At the edge

Anyone watches YouTube schizophrenia videos when the feeling of giving up on coping with symptoms arise.
Always being there to give a visit. Some videos that I watch last for an hour and 40 minutes!

No, I get bored with this kind of videos.
I just hear my voices and write them down.
I find gems and treasure hidden in my voices.


Looool, been like that until the voices turnout to be a set-up.

What set up?
My voices make their own words, are poetic etc

Lucky you, my voices develop in a fearful way commanding me to believe in delusions…

Yes, I have this kind too but more rarely.
Do you have voices now?

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Rarely, but once there im not okay.

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There is a game where one person is blind folded and one is Jesus. the others are demons where they are trying to keep you from hearing His voice. He makes commands and everybody is interfering and getting in the way. The object is to get to the other side.

I watch them to find friends and support them.

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I’ve tried watching them but haven’t really connected with any. All the ones I seem to find are either people that need meds and aren’t on any, or people that are claiming they used to have sz and are now med free and symptom free which I just have a hard time believing they were accurately diagnosed in the first place.

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Omg, u such a nice person.

U are so funny about the wrong diagnose, but im still like having hope u know. Killed me laughing. Just saying.

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My voices tell me things about me that aren’t true, like I’m addicted to Valium. And I just agree with them like sure why not :joy: they always say “you’re not supposed to agree with us” easy way to catch them out :joy:

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Like they aren’t totally dragging u on that somehow or what :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They are, but tbh it’s funny messing with them. It helps me cope to take a more chilled approach to them, if I was to say no no and get defensive or emotional then they’d be winning. Wouldn’t they?

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According to you description you are totally diagnosed with schizophrenia. Cuz what the heack!! That aint nothing but schizophrenic symptoms attitude thing… that just the way they are :crazy_face:

I am not diagnosed with schizophrenia. I am diagnosed with psychosis. Please don’t assume things about me.

Plus last I checked this was an inclusive forum.

Sorry, I didnt mean to say that, but I was just being funny.

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It’s okay, I was short tempered sorry!