Does anyone have any tips and tricks they use to deal with visual hallucinations?..
So far looking at someone else in the room to see if they react seems to help prove their false…but alone its harder I’ve been down the rabbit hole so long I can mostly ignore it or laugh at it…but then I’m laughing at nothing …so I’m at a loss here…damnit…
For Hallucinations in general I like water. Splashing water on my face, dunking my arm in, dipping a toe, showering/swimming. Water is a lot of sensory information you can see, hear, feel, smell and taste and each time is a little different.
Hallucinations are sensory information. Overload your brain with input and play with the one that’s real.
I like the shock of really cold water, but warm and hot work too (not too hot though).
I get visual “hallucinations.” The way I deal with it depends on who I am around.
For example, Mr Turtle and I went to the movies a couple of weeks ago. Before the movie started I could see a parade of skeletons marching and dancing in front of the screen. Because I was with Mr Turtle I was able to ask him outright whether he saw it too. He said no, I could still see it, so I just enjoyed it (it was a harmless, funny “hallucination”)
If I’m alone, I try to just look away from it. Focus on something else. Although I find myself transfixed by things I see sometimes. If it’s harmless or funny I don’t see the problem with continuing to look at it. If it’s horrid and scary, I try as much as I can to move away from it. I stop what I’m doing completely and walk away from wherever I am.
If I’m at work I usually only see harmless things unless I’m stressed out. I know I don’t have anyone I can ask at work if they see it too so I try to handle it as if I were on my own and just walk away. If it’s harmless I usually stay put and enjoy it.
Good luck with finding something that works for you.