Hi there, can you recommend some ways to deal with visual hallucinations? Thanks for any replies. Hippo
I usually ask my husband or mom if something is real that’s how I figure out what’s real and what isn’t
Thanks @Twialine. Sorry if this a really stupid question but would dark or tinted glasses help?
@hippogal I’m not sure, I have light sensitivity so I have to wear sunglasses outside but I’ve never had problems while wearing them, but I’ve heard of people using the camera on their phone helps some people
Thanks again @Twialine. The camera sounds like a really good idea, that’s really helpful.
seek help from your p.doc if you need help
untill you feel stable and go on in your life and cope with your illness
you maynt be cured totally
so try to cope and put that on your mind "you need to cope as much as you can and finish your study then work and your life keep going "
Don’t accidentally switch on the pokemon app though!
Some nights I’ll wake up from a dead sleep and I’ll see a middle aged man in the mirror staring at me and I’m not talking about myself. He kind of looks like the dad from that 70’s show. He’ll just stare at me. At first it scared the hell out of me. Now I just look at him and tilt my head up like I see you playa.
Nothing can be done without APs. Just ignore them. That’s the only positive symptom I have these days.
if you have your phone, you can take out your phone camera and point it wherever you’re hallucinating, or suspecting to be.
if what appears on the phone compared to what you see is different, then you can tell yourself you are hallucinating. sometimes i use Snapchat and send a picture of basically nothing to people just to confirm to myself whether i am hallucinating or not
Ive been having scarier visual hallucinations lately. Two I can remember really shook me up. The first time I almost considered leaving the room and getting my boyfriend, but I pushed it out of my mind. The second I saw my hand become deformed and ants spill out of it. Bleh. Thats not fun to see,trust me. Guess ill bring it up at the psychiatrist. Unfortunately I think only a med change/increase will help this.
Thanks everyone. Hallucinations are scary for sure. I’ll definitely use the Pokémon Go app, I loved that so much
My visual hallucinations are not scary.
Yesterday I saw a fat man on an armchair looking at me while i was walking the dog.
It lasted for 2 seconds; then disappeared.
Edit: he didn’t wear a shirt, he was naked with pants
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