Was feeling anxious so I took 400mg of l-theanine. Feel fine now

Really helps a lot. 151515


I’m on 400mg a day now.

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Am wary of the withdrawals again so am only taking it as required. Works well though.

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I have to search this stuff, sounds interesting. What is it supposed to do for sz?

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Some people have said it works similar to sarcosine. I haven’t found that. I find it relaxing more than anything else. Closest supplement I have found to a benzo.

Just be warned I was on a regular high dose and got withdrawals when coming off it.

Where do you buy it and in what form. Pills or powder? How expensive is it? Which seller has good quality?

@eduvigis, Yes, same here. I was on 2x400mg a day and quit cold turkey and nearly went bananas. So I had to taper is down slowly to 400mg a day. It should be treated like a benzo and acts somewhat like a benzo.

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I don’t feel any effect from lorazepam. That’s the only benzo I have taken. If it is like a benzo then you can get addicted.

Before sz pills were a fun experiment. Now with sz pills are like a terrible obligation.

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You are in the UK as am I. Do you take sarcosine? If you do where do you get it from? Do you think sarcosine has an addiction factor like the l theanine?

Cheers for your help.

I tried sarcosine. I got it off eBay uk. Don’t think it is addictive.

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