War Stinks

There’s nothing good about fathers’ and mothers’ sons and daughters not coming home. There’s nothing cool about being badly burned or dying in an explosion. There’s nothing cool about children dying or governments falling apart and order breaking down. It may look cool in the movies but it’s not in reality. I hope there are no further wars in Europe and the madness causing it ceases.


I hear ya mate! I hear ya. Hopefully things wont progress.

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In the movies Clint Eastwood can single handedly outshoot twenty armed men in a bar, but the real nature of most violence is seen when he threatens to kill the family of any man who tries to stop him from leaving town.


The only people who desire war are madmen and wicked people who use others to fight for their own ambitions.


Like sheriff “Little” Bill Dagget says in the movie “Unforgiven”, “They ain’t men of bad character. They’re men of no character.”


I wrote a prayer song for the Ukraine but it was hidden :frowning: it was completely fine, what’s so bad about a prayer?

I think this invasion is to destroy NATO not Ukraine, to take down western power.

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War has occurred in the past, has occurred in the present and will happen in the future. Presidents of countries who have large militaries will order their soldiers to fight for their respective country to their death if need be.

I disagree that only madmen and wicked people desire war. Attacking a country for its natural resource such as oil occurred in the Middle East in 2003. Defending a country in Southeast Asia in 1971 to prevent a certain ideology to consume that Southeast Asian nation dragged on until its end.

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Why can’t we have global diplomacy. Ukraine was about to join NATO. And Next China will claim Taiwan. This is scary times.


Diplomacy fails and cannot satisfy one party which is why war occurs.

It’s just warfare. It is mankind’s natural tendency to engage in conflict for whatever reason.

When you are saying this is gonna definitely going to happen. This will end up in massive destruction and death. When super powers go to war. It won’t be foot soldiers, more like intercontinental weapons of mass destruction. That’s not what anyone should want.

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No 2 legal nuclear weapons states have engaged in direct conflict with one another since the end of the 2nd European War & the Pacific War. Rebuilding & reconstruction occurs after the end of warfare.

Are you implying war is good?

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Okay - well I’m not pro war. Maybe you are realistic and I’m just idealistic. I think we as citizens should demand our leaders to work things out through diplomacy.

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War is a part of human nature if one looks back and studies history of the majority of civilizations on this planet.

But do you think it is good

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War is bad but is necessary to resolve disputes, disagreements and conflicts.

No. When you look back at history you learn that war is not good. Like learn from mistakes. Let’s have a Cold War, not a Real War.


Why you telling me?

Do you not know how terrifying a Cold War is? I am assuming you didn’t live through the last one.