Update everything with automation and make zero cost production. Redistribute the wealth as a transition and you eventually have a sustainable society
its very mathematics… its a equations…
The Zeitgeist Movement, The Venus Project, Thrive, The New Earth Project - many others - & going back well over a 100 years. There are alternatives to the current systems & always have been. Will we achieve such a transition to genuinely humane & thriving World? i think there’s too much mass stupidity to achieve it personally. Hello civilisation collapse & an end to most, if not all of humanity - that is where we’re headed…sooner or later, & maybe that is for the best.
Four legs good, two legs bad? (Animal farm)
There’s finite resources on the earth so there is no way to get rid of scarcity. If money was destroyed then something else would be used for currency. In prisons inmates often use cigarettes as currency.
Money is good since it makes trading with you fellow humans much easier. Can you imagine what a pain in the ass it would be for simple shopping trips if you had to bring a long a bunch of stuff to trade?
“I’ll trade you 2 chickens and shovel for a bag of rice.”
That’s the line/lie that keeps the current system going. There are alternatives with a resource based economy - It’s Not a choice between Fiat currency or bartering.
Quote from the Dali Lama, “Life precious,… but too much precious… not good”
Capitalism has poor distribution