Walking around in other people's clothing

Except my underwear all of my clothing has been purchased at flea markets, so basically I am walking around in other people’s clothing, sometimes at flea market one can find really good clothing and it is very inexpensive, a good used leather jacket just seven euros and so on. Underwear is that I need to buy new.


It’s always good not to buy used undergarments for personal hygiene. I work at a store that sells second hand retail products and from experience I am telling you that they are really good sometimes. Good both in quality and price as well. They almost look new most of the times.

All the time…I get jeans for $2 sometimes and once in awhile they are near brand new. The they have sales at the thrift stores where you can fill a bag for a dollar or get 5 items for a dollar, so I can get shirts and pants for 20 cents each…

I would only buy second hand if the size label was still readable . Otherwise I’m not a good judge of whether something will fit me or not. When my wife was well and better able to walk she would occasionally choose things at boot and jumble sales for me.

And don’t worry about walking in other’s clothing. By buying them you are utilizing the good things which had been abandoned mostly just because of fashion or for not having more space for any new clothing in the cupboard, :smile: Some silly reasons behind abandoning good clothes.

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Are you familiar with J Butterfly? She lived in Luna for nearly 3 years and saved Luna’s Life. Because you made someone else’s clothing your own, Julia Butterfly would Heart you Perfectly, without giving you the ‘Disposability Consciousness’ lecture.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers dropped J Butterfly’s name in their Can’t Stop hit. She’s that Strong!

No I do not know J Butterfly, but sometimes I am proud I have got some old clothing at flea markets, back in 1987 when I was in London I bought a leather jacket at one street flea market, it lasted 10 years until 1997 when I got a new leather jacket, I like leather jackets, sometimes some religious flea markets have very inexpensive clothing and then sometimes they even have 50 % off sales.

I was so proud of my London’s leather jacket that I wore it everywhere, once I was on the top of the Saint Peter’s cathedral in the Vatican and it was 30 celcius degrees, was a little hot, but I wore my leather jacket anyway.


Maybe then 27 years ago I picked up the spirit of London, which is why had voices in my mind in 2003 that the dossier was wrong before the Iraq war.

Here in the north west we have a huge chain of 2nd hand clothing stores…

Buffalo Exchange … http://www.buffaloexchange.com/


Value Village… http://www.valuevillage.com/

It’s trendy to take something and alter it or add something. All my clothing and my sister’s clothing are from Value Village or Buffalo Exchange. My sis loves to get 2nd hand clothing and alter it into something cool. Make long sleeves short, Add cool buttons, taper seams…

I love value village.

I give cloths away that me or my children doesn’t need. I giv it to those who need them. That has no job and can’t afflrd to buy new cloths to their children.

Well if it makes you feel better, my entire wardrobe has either been donated or bought at thrift stores. I haven’t bought myself new clothes in years. I like my clothes though. I think they have personality.

I wear a lot of passed down clothing. For a couple of years my wardrobe never changed. My shoes I’ve had for over a year.

I am a little bit like you are. When I like these old clothes I wear these long, For example, I have some winter shoes I got these years ago and now as the winter is arriving I am looking forward wearing these again.

I have a pair of boots I wore during winter but I don’t think I’ll be using them this year. They’ve been under stuff for a while and got some green nasty stuff on them. I’ll probably buy a new pair

A family member worked at the department stores in US & said you would want to wash the new stuff you bought if you saw who was trying stuff on at the store. Some of the big city US department stores have also caught the bedbugs in new clothing due to tourists…I have no problems buying used clothing as it is more humane to not support Asian sweat shop clothing-mills. I do not mind washing anything before I wear. But, the people on the US coasts have been getting bed bugs from used stuff due to all the foreign people from Asia who moved into the area. Bed bugs are VERY hard to kill and it can cost $3k to treat a house/throw out everything & get rid of these. So, if you live in an area with a lot of tourists or Asian immigrants, you need to be selective about where you shop & watch the media reports on outbreaks in stores. I have not heard too many stories about bedbug problems from Mexico and South America from the Americans but Asia has this problem bad!

The place where I have got my used clothing, jackets, shoes etc. is very selective what they want to receive from people, all must be very clean and in the good condition. Basically, there is a rule, if you can not give something as a gift to your friends, do not bring those either to this religious flea market.

The thrift stores have really outpriced themselves in my area.

Goodwill- $12.00 for old winter boots
$18.00- Winter coat

Flea Market- $6.00 for boots
$7.00- Purple winter jacket
Total: $13.00