I go about my daily business feeling pretty low, but I’m still functioning pretty well. I don’t think much about myself and I treat everyone like they’re superior or perfect. But then it dawns on me, not everybody deserves my respect. Why should I feel worse than the guy in the car next to me? I’ve paid my dues, why should I put up with idiots? What the hell makes me feel so inferior to other people? I’m not a bad person. It just amazes me that I think the guy acting like a jerk deserves more respect than me. I am not causing trouble, I treat babies and old people well. I’ve never hit a women in my life. I feel bad for homeless people and people in wheelchairs, I give a dollar or two to the people who live on the streets whenever I can afford too. I remember what it’s like be broke. I realize that the money I give to the homeless may make their day and it makes me feel good to help them in a small way. When did treating me like crap become OK? It’s not OK.
But other than that I’m feeling pretty well. Had to get the negativity out of my system.
Yeah, today was mostly good. I went to a small party, I walked to the store. I just kind of cruised through the day kind of doing what I felt like doing. I missed dinner at my house so I drove to McDonald’s and got a meal to-go and took it to the park and sat on a bench and ate my food and watched people then I drove downtown and kind of checked out the sights. I cleaned my car a little and I organized some paperwork to take care of on Monday. I’m a firm believer in goals and making lists. I like to be organized. I feel in control a little and I’m trying to make it through my days without
doing anything stupid. Not a bad day at all.