Voices saying your going to hell

I was in the hospital and heard a song playing through someone else’s headphones singing that I lost my soul and I’m going to hell.

My voices also told me I was going to hell for eternity and just waiting to get there when I die.

Weird things also happened to me like another person was talking about my delusion without even knowing that I was having that delusion the whole time. It’s like she read my mind.

The nurses and some of the patients had creepy smiles like demons.

Also things I saw kept pertaining to my life like example this lady had a wig on that was the exact same wig I saw on a character from the batwoman series.

The coloring books were sloth and xfiles my bf likes sloth and I am a huge xfiles fan.

Then star trek played calling a character shape shifters. The demons from my delusions said they were shapeshifters before I ever saw that show or knew anything about a shapeshifter.

Could all the weird coincidences mean that my schizo is actually demons and that I’m going to hell?

I’m freaking scared.


Sounds like sz for sure. Mind reading, etc


First, welcome to the community.

Second, you’re experiencing a very common type of psychosis that a lot of others here have. In my case it wasn’t demons, but aliens. Scary as heck. Everything I saw or heard seemed to reinforce my beliefs. All kinds of things had special or significant meanings going back to those beliefs. I was told by voices I had to do specific things at the correct times or horrible stuff would happen.

This was just the broken unconscious part of my brain leaking stuff into the conscious part of my mind. When you have schizophrenia the dream stuff in your head gets loose and mixes with the part of your brain that handles reality. Doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person or anything, just that you’re ill.

There are meds that really help control this. The good news is that YOU can also help control this. The voices are just noise you can ignore and the delusions are weird thoughts you can push to one side after having them. Absolutely NOTHING BAD will happen to you if you do, no matter how real it feels at the moment. You won’t get hurt. No one else will get hurt. Just ignore the crap show that seems to be around you. It’s not real. It’s the illness. The sooner you tune it out, the better you start doing.

Work with your treatment team, take your meds, stick with them even if they’re tough at first, and do all the therapy they give you access to. VERY possible to get past this and have a great life. I have and so have others here.



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Yeah this is pretty common. I thought I was hellbound for my first year of the disorder. My mom brought home an unusually elongated lemon from the supermarket and I thought it was a “hell lemon” that proved I was in hell.

After a few years I got my insight back and I don’t have these feelings anymore. Hopefully they will go away in time for you too, if you stay on track with meds and treatment. It’s a really stressful delusion.

Welcome to the forum, it’s a very supportive place with lots of traffic.

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I don’t hear voices, but I empathize with your situation. Medication helps me especially after drinking monsters all day. I get a relaxed feeling. I always thought schizophrenics need extra help and struggle more than most. You seem like a genuine nice person.

I just feel I’m in Limbo or a chronic infinite time loop on planet earth going to different timelines forever and it sucks. I sort of welcome hell because at least it would stop the endless reincarnation for lack of a better word. Hell seems to be the worst place though and I’m Christian, but ya, I don’t seem to go to either place really and this has been going on for infinity, although I thought I went to heaven a few times, and hence I got the delusions I was a fallen angel, but it’s not real – at least recently.

What’s worse than hell for me is re-living schizophrenia on Earth for eternity in what feels like a computer simulation – an advanced one run by aliens.

Maybe those aliens are just like people; maybe they’re Artificial intelligence; or maybe they’re evil or just plain ol’ demons. I don’t know.

I just feel like schizophrenia – reliving it – is worse than hell – a fate worse than hell.

People say it’s not real (my beliefs) but ya it feels super real and I feel like I know what I’m talking about or even enlightened about my situation and stuff, but that’s typical schizophrenia talk.

Don’t worry hell isn’t real. :slight_smile:

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Welcome to the forum! :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, making all these connections out of coincidences is also pretty common in schizophrenia. Coincidences are just coincidences, nothing more. I used to make all kinds of connections out of random stuff too. If you are looking for them, coincidences are everywhere. They don’t mean anything and they certainly don’t indicate demons or that you are going to hell.

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i have voices that tell me im going to hell forever. I really hope its just a delusion cause its very scary to think about it

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I have a demon problem, my main voice, who was God to me once so long ago. I try to worship a god of love and mercy. Can I still have fun? I’m open enough to tell my therapist about anything. Two more days and he’ll call!

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