So, I have a strange occurrence. Ever since I entered high school, and I began hearing voices…they actually increased my school performance to pure A’s. This may sound strange, but when ever I take a test, the voices scream things at me. Many of these things are recaps from random lectures (sometime it is the wrong subject and I bomb the test…) or answers. When I was in calculus, one voice would scream out formulas. This was sometimes useful and sometimes distracting when they were screaming out the wrong f**king formulas. I tend to obey their orders as well. I am often informed that I am pathetic and not worthy of them, so must prove myself.
As a result, I have tried using academics–attempting to score good marks on everything. I’ve gotten to the point where I will be harassed for days if I do not do well and nothing if I do succeed. Once after getting a B (a grade that I don’t consider bad at all), I was constantly being told to do things that would harm me. I gave in at one point and poured drain cleaner on my arm as commanded. I still have scars and recall being mocked for being stupid afterwards. I feel as if I can’t win this. I get quiet suicidal stressing over grades and everyone I meet things I am trying to get in to some good school etc when in reality I could care less and just wan the voices to accept me. Has anyone advice.
Advice, yes!
Use your return key occasionally making your post easier to read
Mine used to tell me things too and I used to write them down, I looked back at them since getting out of hospital and it’s a load of bollocks really.
They were helpful at one point telling me how to spell words and they came up with wired sentence construction rules that I had to follow.
I have to say now that’s passed and I only get them tell me the occasional wrong sum, like working out how much something is when added of multiplied together.
So this might pass over time, I guess a meds change might have helped me!