It’s been over 2 years that I’ve had auditory hallucinations but now I can’t hear them anymore. Makes me a little lonley
I eventually stopped getting auditory too. It wasn’t meds related because I wasn’t on them at the time. Now all mine are visual. Isn’t that weird…
When my auditory hallucinations went, I kind of had some feeling of loss myself. Despite one being a major pain with the fact he was abusive, it was something I kinda missed.
Sorry you feel lonesome though, hopefully the feeling passes.
I still have a feeling that if I went off invega they’d return
Yep they probably would
Congratulations that your voices are gone. Mine disappear with meds too.
Good news @Moonwalker,
For me I know the silence can be deafening. Then there’s the sense of loss. Not all the voices are bad but the meds aren’t selective. Right now I have partial recovery on my meds so I’m not completely silent, It’s not too bad. I wish you luck and hope your feeling lonely fades.
Why you are interested in unknown voices. There are lots of voices outside, watch TV, video, Mobile and radio.
I miss the voices in my head…
yeah i have had moments where the voices are quiet…
it makes you intensely lonely…
sorry to hear you are…
not a hell of a lot to do about it ither than listen to music, etc…
Are voices considered being hallucinations?
yes voices are definitlely without a doubt hallucinacions…
i hope oneday they stop from that torture
I can hear them again a little, just an update