Voices are sprouting up again

I can’t sleep. I laid in bed for 2 hours, and the voices were relentless. I had a good day until this evening. Something’s not right. I melted down on here a couple days ago, and I can’t get this under control. I feel like I’m losing my mind. You know, that awful feeling you get when stuff starts going sideways. Over 15 years without a hospitalization, and I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel - and it appears to be an oncoming train. Can’t sleep, loud, unforgiving voices, and anxiety…that’s what I’m feeling and experiencing.

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Did you try a white noise machine?
I find a fan on max helpful.

Make sure to report this to your doc. Fifteen years is great. This resurgence of symptoms doesn’t have to mean relapse. Sometimes symptoms reappear even when we’re doing well and following treatment.

The important thing is to address these symptoms aggressively before things get out of hand. Maybe a med adjustment, even a temporary one, can help stop this from becoming a full blown relapse.

Hang in there man.


I hope you can talk to a doc or get some ideas and feel better soon. You have been through a hell of a year…

I’m wishing the best for you.


Maybe go back on the haldol- it seemed to be working a bit better than the trifalon and prolaxin

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Talk to your doc asap, don’t let it go any further.

Hope things work out for the best

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I slept for about 5 hours. I got up an hour ago and paged the on-call pdoc, and he just called back and told me to double my Prolixin from 10 mg to 20. Also advised me to stop the Trilafon.

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Hope this new dose works for you

Sending you the best alien99

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Sounds like a plan. If things go to hell, you’ve got some haldol, from what I remember. Best of luck, my friend.

I stop the nicotine patch today- got a double workout planned for today to give me my dopamine replacement.


As they say in the theater, break a leg! Wait a minute, that’s not such a good idea. Bust your ass? No, that sounds like I’m encouraging you to fall down. Kick ass! Yeah! Kick ass!!


I thought you were still on haldol. Good luck with the new dose, let us know how it pans out.