My voices came creeping up on me today. Trying itd hardest to break me. Im currently fighting the good fight. I knew it wouldnt last forever but i enjoyed when they took a back seat. Now im fighting for truth resiliency and happiness.
Bless you. Haldol became friends with my voices. How do you deal with them?
Well i found the source of my stress and o dealt with it. Then my voices started calming down now i can manage and deal with them. Every time i get stressed they become louder if i dont deal with my stress i become sicker until i deal with it. Then i just have what i had before noise.
That sucks. I hope they stop bothering you, they can honestly make life a little unbearable sometimes.
Sorry to hear that your voices are back. I hope they go away again soon.
Hey what’s up I’m new here. I was scrolling thru the forums and decided to post on this one because it relates to my “problem”.
So you mentioned your voices went away but then came back… Did you feel a certain way (of emotion) before you heard them or are they just like some simulation where they just happen?
They come and go. Usually pop up during stressful situations. Mine is more paranoia than anything.
Paranoia? ur scared you are going to hear voices again.
No now i welcome them its easier not to fight them but to challenge them. Fighting causes stress so i listen and try to figure it out. So if it comes i look for truth in them. If theirs no truth then its a lie.
So its guilty until proven innocent lol.
Do you really want to challenge them? This “illness” can get worse…
Ok I guess I understand. You like having fun with them. Well be very careful. It’s kinda risky. Because when this gets you depressed it’s not going to feel sorry for you. Trust me. I’ve been there and this (having a friend in my head) was just wasting my time. It’s been like 4 years and the world hasn’t changed much… I see no progress we have been going in circles for many years and now that I understand… This telling the future is a waste of my time. I have things to accomplish before I go. So cheers. Keep searching for happiness!
when you mention truth, resilience and happiness, there is a twinkle in my eye. We all have something unwanted on our shoulder from time to time. I am hearing things that I feel I shouldn’t hear very often, I try to process it. It feels like the battle between truth and falsehood. Schizophrenia has a way of distorting our sense of reality, so we, in some peoples cases, strive over, and over, and over, ad absurdum (to the point of absurdity) to grasp onto a sense that things are going to be ok. Sometimes we have to face our fears. I wish I knew how to help you through this journey that so many of us are going through without having to be encumbered by guilt, just trying to reach out. No matter how dark your situation gets, remember you are loved.
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