RRRR you folks are failing me

I’m having an unexpectedly harsh episode and I can’t find a thread to fit! AAAAAAARRRRGGHHHH!!!

What’s going on?

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Whats going on mate? :slight_smile:

I don’t know exactly, feeling really paranoid, really hostile, everything is setting me off, I took a Haldol 5mg earlier but didn’t do sht, having lots of jittery hallucinations, but for some reason I feel I can trust the threads…I’m all twisted up, surrounded by my ritual weapons (no guns though, I can’t trust myself), my little bunker, there was a five way shootout two streets down from me like 8:00pm tonight so it’s here…fck man hard to tell sometimes what’s out there and what’s in my head

Was the shootout real? If it was, that could have easily triggered you into an episode. That’s so stressful.

Are you limited to 5mg for PRN purposes? Can you call and see if you can take an extra to see if it helps enough to avoid needing more formal help?

I’m the same way when I get bad. I cling to this place. Even even it feels like everyone here hates me, I still stick around to post because I know it’s safe.

Oh, thank you so much for your concern. Just since you were concerned, I live in Wilmington Delaware, the “Murder Capitol” of the USA, and sadly that stuff goes on every day. Not usually that bad, but I’ve got bad drug corners at the right end of my block and at the left corner of my block, and one of my elderly old guys already caught a round to the neck, almost got his collar bone, riding his bike past one of the spots. It’s no joke man, not as bad as where I used to live, but as my pdoc says yr not paranoid if this sh*t is real around you. Duh. Hypervigilence is a total asset, that’s why I’ll never wear headphones or anything, I rely on my audio senses as much as anything to tell me what’s goin on around me. That way I don’t have to look both ways to cross the street, I can hear it.

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More specifically, all I have PRN is the 5mg Haldol, and I take so many other meds I’m hesitant to take more without checking with the pdoc. But tonight has been off the scale, it NEVER gets this bad.

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Right here, all by myself
I ain’t got no one else
The situation is bleeding me
There’s no relief for a person like me

Depression’s got a hold of me
Depression, gotta break free
Depression’s got a hold of me
Depression’s gonna kill me

I ain’t got no friends to call my own
I just sit here all alone
There’s no girls that want to touch me
I don’t need any of your ■■■■■■■ sympathy

Depression’s got a hold of me
Depression, I gotta break free
Depression’s got a hold of me
Depression’s g-gonna kill me

Everybody just get away
I’m gonna boil over inside today
They say things are gonna get better
All I know is they ■■■■■■■ better

Yeah, definitely don’t take more than your doctor approved.

But can you call and ask? Because you sound like you’re really struggling and given the state of hospitals right now, it’s definitely better to try and slow it down than let it fester and get to the point you absolutely need to go inpatient.


Thnx voice of sanity

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