Vitamin D ๐ŸŒž

Yeah, Omega is good. But my level was too low and I used to take Vit D tabs.

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I will start taking chlorella.

With regards to D, I am likely low as a night shift worker. Might b good idea for me to take miday walks

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Shift work has been linked to lower life expectancy FYI. I always sort of felt that night work sort of chewed people up and spat them out and then got a new lot of people to churn through. It depends on what industry you are in but at least it worked that way in hospitality. I would do it for the extra pay but personally, I think itโ€™s not great for health long term.

Worth getting you D levels checked


Yea somehow it doesnโ€™t feel that great on my body. Perhaps to do with my natural body clock Iโ€™m not sure.

If the opportunity arose I would certainly consider doing day work in the future.

Thanks. Yea I agree Iโ€™m so unmotivated to get the D checked, probably cos I feel convinced that I already know my levels are low, ha.


I take zinc when Iโ€™m slightly ill

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I believe in you, youโ€™ll find youโ€™re rhythm when the time is right.

In the meantime, a walk works equally just as well if not better!


Thankyou Gamma_Fox.

Take care :blush:


I take omega 3, nothing else. It has vitamin d in it as well.

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