Visual hallucinations

I have not had visual hallucinations and I have just had voices. If anybody has had visual hallucinations, would be interesting to learn more about these?

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I’ve seen black shadows that I percieved as demons, I’ve seen figures of light that I thought it was aliens, I’ve seen sweaters swirl and the world as a photography, in 2D…

I always thought I never heard voices, but when I was psychotic I heard “others thoughts” and they were voices. I just blacked that out, but remembered a few days ago.

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I’ve seen objects growing and shrinking back to size, walls/floor breathing, patterns swirling, shadows in peripheral.


I see something like movie clips…brief scenes totally unrelated to my surroundings. But when I see them i no longer can see my environment…All I see is these sometimes bizarre movie clips

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[quote=“mjseu, post:1, topic:35325”]
If anybody has had visual hallucinations, would be interesting to learn more about these?
[/quote]Mostly all of my visual sensations are of human nomenclature - they present humans doing random things, often in tight groups, and the geometries & motions of them seem nearly impossible. It feels like a testing ground for maximal human perception & feeling. I don’t feel that my mind is being harmed by most of these, but it is shocking or surprising when my mind has to watch a lot of these bizzare motions.

I don’t see anything in the real world change in shape, function, or form. All visuals are limited to the domain of my actual mind - predominantly in the left hemisphere. It almost feels like I’m peering into someone else’s imagination most of the time - some designer or artist’s perception/conceptualization of human behavior.

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I’ve seen demons. I have seen angels. There have been times where I have seen Minotaurs. They are some scary things to look at. I’ve seen a grey alien when I was younger. Also not a pretty sight.

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My main type of hallucination is visual, although I do have occasional auditory and tactile. The things I see are hard to describe. For the most part they’re always in my head, but so vivid it is as if they’re right next to me. When I was really sick I would have visions all of the time. I would leave this reality and be transported into somewhere terrifying. I have also seen people’s thoughts when I thought people were putting thoughts in my head. The most common one is the Demon. He’s as tall as the ceiling is high, and communicates telepathically with me. I haven’t seen him in a while, but he used to be with me all of the time. I also used to see the girl from the Ring. She would stand next to me reaching out to touch me while the Demon screamed in my face. That was when I was pretty sick. When I’m triggered I see the Demon, the Demon Girl, and these interdimensional beings all out to get me. The house turns into the fun house from hell. Gets pretty scary. Then there are the things I see when I close my eyes at night. It’s similar to a vision. I see all kinds of horrific horrible things. Sometimes it moves so fast I only catch little things here and there. But it’s not like when you close your eyes and imagine something. It has depth. It’s like a whole other world with no boundaries. Before I got sick I would see people with guns in the real world. My old pdoc said it has to be scarier to see things then to hear voices. From my experience I would agree. The mind is a powerful thing. :sunny:

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I have too and they comfort me :sunny:

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