I just visited my mother. I spoke to her outside a bit and then went inside for a bit. She didn’t smoke around me at all. I swear the air was thin in her house. Like on top of a mountain. Maybe smoke in the air and also pollution from all the animals downstairs.
She said my sister is going to be on an INCO order when she gets out. Where the parole people just turn up at the house randomly regularly and search everything. My mother found this out from a letter she got from my sister.
My sister is still going to be in jail for a long time. @zeno@rogueone
Just caught up with nickname. Yeah it’s a hard cop but what can you do? Sounds like she is battling some demons but you’ve got to prioritize yourself. You really do. If your sister asks for support I’d be there. Any of my siblings know that. I can’t be everything to them but I can be there!
yeah it’s tough. Apologies I missed your nick change. I’m an old man these days and change is harder on the old! haha…Seriously no disrespect.
Your sister is doing her own thing and you can’t be dragged into that. It’s a shame. Just do what you can with what you’ve got and don’t put yourself out!