My mom was released from hospital yesterday. It’s been 42 days long that I lived outside my home sleeping in hosptal ward at night beside my mom’s bed and cooking for her during the day and feeding her. Now she’s recovered and can eat and go to toilet on her own.
I have come back to Nanjing my own home. I don’t know what my mom has thought about the abuse she and her husband had given me when I was little. I don’t think she felt guilty.
I KNOW she at least owes you a thank you for taking care of her…she may be in denial of your childhood abuse and blocked it out, tho, and forgiving her might be the best road for your recovery. You were very generous to take care of her for so long…glad you’re home.
I have also take good care of my mom when she has undergone a major surgery a few years ago. I really love her, eventhough there are times in wherein she tends to be annoying. I guess we should always have sometime for our family.