Video games bad for mental health?

Is it bad to play spooky or scary games when you’re in a bad spot mentally? I was thinking of buying Senuas sacrifice, In which the main character has Psychosis and hears voices, but I don’t want to kickstart deeper Psychosis for myself

But I also don’t want to be a wimp about it all and avoid everything. I love serial killer docs / podcasts, and right now I can’t listen or watch any of them because apparently it’s bad for my health
:frowning: ! It makes me feel so weak. I don’t want to be sheltered forever
What do you guys think?

Video games like any other form of media can be triggering. You sort of learn over time what sort of content to be cautious of like I have to be careful with things with demons/the devil.


it makes me feel weak if I have to ask others to avoid mentioning these topics… is that so?

I think it’s completely acceptable to ask people to be mindful and to post a warning beforehand if they are going to post content which could be considered triggering. That’s not weak at all. That way you know which posts to avoid :slight_smile:

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I think it’s good and beneficial to avoid all triggers.

I have a lot of triggers. I’ve just replaced them with more positive things. Self-help books, biographies, quality fiction etc.

Are there any kind of documentaries or books of musicians you would enjoy?


What triggered me some time ago was some self-help courses and books. Nowadays, I disbelieve the schizophrenia ■■■■■■■■ and these materials don’t trigger me anymore. Damn, I watch a lot about spiritual and actualization stuff and nothing triggers me. Anyway, why should I be triggered when on antipsychotics?

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The vast majority of the population are grounded in reality and find a video game a simple form of entertainment. Exposure does not alter their actions. For some, the games are a form of therapy or escapism. The brutality, turmoil and action in these games provide them with a model of a different lifestyle they envy, and their emotional state makes them vulnerable to copying the behavior.

There is no data to show negative effects. On the other hand eye hand coordination has been shown to improve. Video games are being used in the brain injury rehabilitation field.

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As long as you arent in psychosis before or while playing I don’t see any harm. I played games and music while in a marijuana induced psychosis and thought everything was talking to me plus voices were running commentary in the background. Now I wouldn’t have a problem with it but I’m still cautious with only getting in positive media.

@Montezuma I wonder if I can find any… Ive always been so fascinated with true crime. maybe a science podcast or two would interest me. Still, I love the psychology behind deviant behaviour. Im extremely sensitive, however, to scary stories/

The only thing that really triggers me are “signs” that the world is a simulation

for example there was these balloons floating up into the sky, multiple times during the hour I was very agitated about being in a time loop

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I remember when I was psychotic video games were good for me in order to get relaxed. I played a lot a hunting game in my tablet. I didn’t hear voices though.

I don’t watch anything to do with politics or talk shows due to delusions of grandeur. But I can absolutely watch anything related to Dead Space or zombie movies/ games which I find very odd for my mind to find ok.

From what I’ve seen on myself as the meds start working I gotten less triggers, they kinda dissaper with time, most of them.
I would try to find a right med and stick with it and also you need pacience and realise some triggers may never disappear

For me the most triggering things are scary movies and thrillers, i tried to confront them but it was a bad idea.
Stay safe

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I avoid all horror or spooky movie/shows and games

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Video games are the opposite to me. I feel like I am getting something done with my day when I complete a video game. It occupies the mind.

Mind you, I also have Senua’s Sacrifice ready to play but I’m worried it will trigger me.

Guess there’s only one way to find out!


I used to be able to play RPGS, FPS, horror, action, simulations and etc. After my psychosis though, I can only really handle simulation type games like city builders and park managements. Perhaps slowly I can get back to my regular genres.

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I think videogames are good but it is better to avoid horror things.


While I do think it’s good to avoid triggering oneself, I think it’s not good to completely avoid triggers all the time.
It’s not healthy to build a protected life free from everything that hurts. We have to learn to deal with those things, and if we try too hard to avoid everything that upsets us, more things are just gonna upset us. Where will it end?

Everyone is different. I’ve played horror games, and they didn’t trigger psychosis, but they did get my adrenaline pumping.
Some people can handle that, some can’t.

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I don’t get triggered by anything I play in games, but other people might have a harder time with that sorta thing. I usually get triggered by real people or things happening in front of my face (Not on screen).

The addictive aspect of video games I think has been detrimental to my mental and physical health, but it’s so hard to give up.

DOOM is the only one that can put me in a bad state, it’s intsense AF and the soundtrack alone will set me off.
Fantasy games like elder scrolls become my life and depress the ■■■■ out of me because reality is horrific in comparison. The more I play the harder it becomes to feel “real” And I game way too much :grimacing::sweat_smile:


Senua’s Sacrifce is ■■■■■■■ sick but it could definitely put you in a dark place. So fascinating though.
You could try watching RadBrad play it on YouTube and see if it sets you off first?