Hi just wanted to know if anyone has experienced with video games and positive symptoms if it can make your voices worse? Thanks
I whole heartedly believe it can happen. When I’m playing a game that triggers thought patterns, it can make my symptoms worse.
I have to be careful when I game.
As above, if it triggers you. Then yeah. It will do.
Nah, i think tv is much worse, especially the news.
During my last psychotic break, I tried to play a super mario puzzles game and I got triggered but I was really sick.
Now it wouldn’t affect me, but I don’t really play video games.
I suppose it depends what your playing.
Mainly Command and Conquer games
Playing Doom would probably trigger me.
I have no issue with those.
Which is your favourite game that doesn’t trigger your voices?
Call of Duty and Counter Strike GO or Source.
No . Video games have no affect on my positive symptoms. Sounds like a load of old bollox really.
Sorry but, being a schizophrenic for nearly ten years - i really cant see how a fcking video game can trigger positive symptoms.
It doesn’t for me. I just can’t play very long.
Zombies make my heart race and I can’t sleep at night. I wasn’t like that before sz. I used to watch Dr House full of hospital horrors and blood, now I get scared just like a child. Sucks as I can’t watch lots of shows. I used to dissect human corpses at university b4 sz but now just thinking about it it scares me. Some students passed out during dissection lab but I didn’t back then.
Err - Well dont bloody play the game then!??
I know that’s why I don’t play Doom and zombies games. I used to play Doom all day. I used to watch Dr House too, I loved it.
I think it depends on the game. Sports games aren’t to taxing on the brain. But shooters and stuff give me anxiety and kinda triggers me. I used to think playing GTA was also happening in real life like iron man or something. So now I get flashbacks if I play. Pretty much sticking to Netflix
I don’t have problems with video games, and I play them a lot.
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