How to overcome triggering movies and TV shows?

Horror movies are the worst and I was never interested in them but even slightly triggering non-horror contents trigger me, I feel fear and paranoia. I wasn’t like that before my sz. I want to continue watching Dr.House but its triggering me. I used to dissect dead humans in university and now that scares me, even seeing blood.

Dr House sz episode reminded me of mental hospital and my positive symptoms about Jesus.
Jesus was flying in the episode, I stopped watching at that episode.

Does increasing meds dosage fixes this?

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I feel like my old me is scaring me.

I have an ambition for a side project that is basically hacking out the blood and gore of popular single player games, and maybe multiplayer if the assets aren’t protected by anti cheat.

I want to play Borderlands and Nioh without getting triggered, for starters.

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House is a very triggering show for me as well.

I cope with triggering media by just avoiding it, or not looking if someone else in the house is watching it. If I accidentally see something triggering, I will read a favorite story or watch a favorite cartoon to push it out of my mind.

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I’m playing through Sekiro right now, and you can turn off the blood in the game. I think it’s the same for Dark Souls too. I wish more games had that option also.

And Borderlands isn’t super realistic, so that should help some. It’s more like cartoon violence. But regardless, Borderlands is pretty fun, especially if you have someone else playing with you.

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I was personally triggered by the gore in Borderlands.

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There have been about two or three times when I was stoned on weed and a scene from a movie hit me really hard. I looked at those scenes again when I wasn’t stoned, and they hardly touched me.

I just avoid them. I used to watch ghost hunters but can’t now.

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I can’t watch greys anatomy. Too much surgery close ups.

Thought I could not watch beautiful mind but it was alright actually though a struggle to watch the whole thing

overcome it by not watching them lol.

I think I saw maybe parts of a few horror movies in my whole life. hated them.

lifes great without that junk :slight_smile:


I can understand being triggered. Watching the news and horror movies now triggers me even though before the onset of my schizophrenia I really enjoyed horror movies. Meds haven’t been able to cure that fear

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Time helps. All kinds of things used to bother me. TV, surfing the web, checking the mail. You can’t escape every trigger but with me it got better with time.

The last thing that triggered me was Game of Thrones. People sleeping with their sisters and other crazy stuff. That was too much for me to handle several years ago.

I might be able to sit through it now but I don’t want to find out.

I used to avoid the news like the plague but I watch it every now and then now. Watching the Corona virus news didn’t bother me at all but all the crazy stuff going on in the world still does.

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Middle east news triggers me.

@naturallycured @John_Raven
I play Combat Arms fps korean game online and I disable blood completely.


Did your remote come with an on/off button?

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Which remote and why?

If something bothers you, turn it off.

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Something that can help in my experience is “taking breaks” like watching something triggering in bits and pieces and then going and doing something relaxing, also doing something relaxing while watching it, such as coloring, helped me stay calm as well.

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Sorry I didn’t get it before, I was in a bad mood and couldn’t think.

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