Very depressed

Just depressed remembering what life Use to be like before my illness, losing my childhood,
Just like the mind was before/ the mind now and being back within the game of life.
Having no friends and everyone I know is growing up and on there way out.

And I’m thinking about other things.
Childhood old friends aaaa…

-right now I have the anxiety of stress of boulders on me and I am barely lucid really depressed, dealing with schiz to full force.

Just wanted to blog to help with this hell im going through today. Chris


I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling depressed.

I hope you don’t mind me asking this, but when were you diagnosed?

Hang in there! It’s never pleasant but down times happen. It’s a bit like riding the waves…it’s up and down and it’s cyclic. Before meds I had a mental breakdown every 5 years. Same time of year etc . Very strange.

You do well recognising your symtpoms. Life with schizophrenia and associated disorders isn’t easy but these days there’s opportunity to live a life. Friends will come if you stay connected. Join a club or such…meet some people. It’s not easy but it’s worth while doing.

Things can get better. It doesn’t always have to be this way. When I look back at some of the mistakes I have made in the past all I can do is cringe, but I’m starting to make my peace with the mistakes I have made. I guess only you can say how bad you feel, but try not to “awfulize” - make things look worse to you than they really are. You might have lost your childhood, but there still can be good times ahead of you.

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Hang in there Mr Jack

I also miss my childhood.

Just try to ride out the rough days as best you can. I’ve been feeling very depressed lately too.

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