Yeah if we didn’t take our vaccines, practice social distanting and wear our masks I’m sure it’d be 1,000,001. We did such a great job with Covid.
B*tch slap you in the face will smith style for saying that.
Just playing.
Hahah, I know you can handle friendly banter New Jack City, still looking for truffles?
We are lucky that Omicron hit a couple of years in rather than at the outset. Something that infectious with no vaccine protection available would have crashed every health system in every country at the same time. Bodies in the streets everywhere.
Now you done did it booy. Now you woke the hippos there very hungry
I don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not, but the US has done a terrible job with covid. If everyone wore a mask, social distanced, and, especially, got vaccinated and boosted, we wouldn’t have 1M deaths. The number of deaths would be at least 50% less going by the number of people boosted per 100. The US, with a population of about 332M people, has 1M deaths and a boosted rate of 30 people per 100 people. To the contrary, Australia, with a population of about 26M people, has appx. 7,500 deaths and a boosted rate of 53 people per 100 people. So if Australia had the same population as the US it would have 96,000 deaths as opposed to the US’ 1M deaths.
There wasn’t this kind of division and distrust with the polio virus. We saw a significant decrease in polio deaths after Dr. Salk, and others, developed a vaccine. I received the polio vaccine when I was 5 (1969). I couldn’t go to school if I wasn’t vaccinated. There wasn’t the political division and skepticism we see today with covid.
So many of the covid deaths could have been avoided if more people were vaccinated and boosted. I’m sad for the people who died and their families, but I’m proud of our heroic doctors and nurses who tirelessly tried to save these people, often risking their own lives in the process. Also, on a practical note, there’s only so many hospital beds, so all of those beds being occupied by non-vaccinated covid patients affects all people who need a hospital bed.
Finally, what troubles me the most is not covid, but the failure of the American people to instinctually come together in the face of a catastrophic event.
It is one of the greatest triumphs of humanity that dedicated people found the vaccines for the contagious diseases that have ravaged humanity in the past - measles, bubonic plague, smallpox, and polio, among others. The people working to find vaccinations for covid are carrying on in that tradition. We owe them a lot.
It’s truly absurd how many people won’t do the simple act of getting a vaccine. I remember when the public was clamouring for something, anything, to bring this pandemic to an end before the advent of the vaccine, and now that we have an overwhelmingly successful solution to reducing severe illness/mortality with minimal risk/side effects, people are refusing this option because of some convoluted definition of liberty? The way I see it, vaccination is the means by which we can all REGAIN liberties lost BECAUSE of the pandemic.
Bro I don’t even think you’re real
What if 1 million Americans died from a bomb or disaster.
We would make a big deal out of it.
I’m not. I’m just a product of your imagination.
very sad…yes @shutterbug you’re absolutely right about it being better that omicron came late.
That’s a lot of people.
I’m just tired of everyone fighting over it. I’m hiding in my corner with my mask and hoping the angry people don’t see me and keep going. Can’t handle any more.
Someone died from drug overdose every five minutes in the USA in 2021.
That is preventable by the person taking the drugs. We also have treatment for substance abuse disorders.
A virus kills people just visiting family. Killing mothers who worry about vaccine hurting their babies.
The disease of addiction is insidious and too much for most people to overcome. I was lucky I got into treatment at the onset. I got great friends in NA and they are with me in spirit thirty years later.
Congratulations to you on cleaning up.
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