Uk- a million covid cases of omechron variant by the end of the month

Finding this as scary as hell this will be 1 million real people… Not necessarily somebody else who you’ve heard of or met… That could be everyone in my family next two and a half weeks

trying to make a decision… While the numbers are low for a couple more days of staying over at my moms one last time I’m really shitting myself here
All schizophrenics have a bad time, all of us have old or aging mothers now
The first spikeshave been silent to me more recently I know know plenty of people have had it it this is the scardest I’ve been
i’m not helping by being so wired
Immune response goes down as you get lack of sleep
Husband is on nightshift

Me and my husband are already voluntarily in lockdown. Not taking any chances.

Christmas party not worth being on a ventilator.

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thank you @Kxev
I feel a lot better about my decision because of what you said

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A million cases in a month? That seems too fast.

Here in the US we are averaging 100,000 covid cases a day x30 days = 3,000,000.

Average daily death 1,500 and surging. I’m sure we will hit 800,000 deaths in the USA by the end of the month.

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The UK is a country that can lock down. The US… Good luck.


Yeah - i am staying away from my family - whom won’t vaccinate their kids. Love them to death. No pun intended. But we’re not going anywhere near them. They already caught covid last round.
Yeah - watched Boris conference on Plan B - seems reasonable. Doing way more than the US.

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Cases double every day right now, and they’re looking at the figures from SA that are very concerning


guessing 10,000 cases already
(maths of sagit javid)

doubles every other day or so

I’m in Michigan. We’re averaging 8500 cases a day. 4500 people hospitalized state wide. 85% of those hospitalized are unvaxxed. Hospitals in some areas have to turn away patients because they’re full. Half of the people here aren’t wearing masks.

I had a case of pneumonia in 2005 and it left scars on my lungs. Anything that compares to that scares the snot out of me.

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@Wantsome480 So sorry covid is raging in Michigan. Even with federal 3 medical strike teams sent there, doctors are begging for more help. This is gonna happen in all states in the US after thanksgiving, and the holidays. All the air travel. This is gonna be bad in the US.


UK has had 40-50,000 a day for months

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