Calling police on upstairs neighbor

I’m tired of it I don’t care if as NY of you believe me. I was in the bathroom talking to a crisis nurse about my lexapro and the ass started yelling at me. I don’t care if I get kicked out its uncalled for.

Idk if that is like the best option,
Maybe there’s like a middle line to things?

I told my bed what hospital to have them take me when they hurt me


Idiot is above me right now. I’m not coming back home. So:if I don’t come back in a few days I’m gone. I’m not interested in people saying shuts in Mt head we hence you can hear them clear as ■■■■■■■ day through white noise whe your3rd pissing.

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Crisis center dont look ay yo4th like ypur nuts

Who cares5555151515

Maybe a med change or dosage change or add on could help you? Can the crisis center or er take care of that? Get you some relief?

@roxanna - Why don’t you go into ER? Can your boyfriend help you get into ER now?

Have 4tho caslly caseworker about lexapro. Probasbly won4th do aby good .tjey dont ean4th to hETlp.

Why tjey dp dp amthong forsychiatric atuff

They Don 4th help psych patients

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In a flood of overcast voices. The demons feed off of the weak minded.

@roxanna it’s not demons or your neighbors. It’s your sz. Did you call the police? What did they say?

I’m no I have memory problems it probably wouldn’t do Amy good.

I’m just going to have to live with it real or not.

Did you try headphones today?

Nothing is going to get better

I’m wearing them right now

Is it helping to block out the insults?

Doves outgrow their wings.