Small yell today. Having bp episodes . @rogueone I wish I would stop. I see pdoc early November. I have to ignore these people. I’m tired. Staying to myself like you said is true. Goddam it
I have to call crisis now. I overheard a female say to someone else do you still want to murder her. This is evidence in case
Gotta sort out the meds Rox. It’s hard work but if it’s not working you need to be proactive. I went through a lot of changes to get stable. The trouble is there’s no easy way. There’s no indicators to what works for you or not because it’s rubbish brain chemistry we don’t understand.
Your worth it so do the hard yards and ask to try things you haven’t maybe? It takes time but go in with a plan to your emergency or crisis. Ask about the meds that you haven’t tried…I know it’s so hard but you’ll get there so chin up!
I think nobody’s saying what you hear I honestly think it’s a auditory hallucination it’s happened too much for it to be real wayyyy to much also wdym by “bp” episode
Have to call my caseworker this am. Not leaving apt anymore. It’s happened before. Good morning y’all probably not good. Have a nice day. Rox
I think staying in the apt till you get your meds sorted out might help but remember your safe either way it seems to me like you’ve been going through this a lot do you think seeing a psychiatrist at the ER might help
The crisis center is better. I’m waiting on my caseworker this am. See what she says.
Thank god the crisis centre helped remember its a illness and even if what you were saying about people being that mean to you they would have to have zero self esteem and are just trying to make others feel the way they do however I don’t think it’s real I’ve believed stuff like that and it turned out to be fake my schizoaffective disorder caused it to feel real
I know. Been going through this for twenty two years. I will off myself before they touch me. It’s my way.
Nobody is gonna hurt you please get help I know that it feels real it did for me too till I got on meds your safe and you have a group of people that love and care about you but I think your at a point where you need to go inpatient
And there was alot of trial and error on meds but eventually my life became worth living
I’m just going to give up. I can’t go on like this.
I really think you should go to the ER even if you see a psychiatrist and they let you go home they probably will change your meds I was feeling really shitty and thinking the way you are rn then I got my depot injection and It’s been a day after I’m still not I’m more like 95% better trust me there is hope
no one is going to hurt you…you are paranoid again…please see your pdoc before november.
It’s unlikely her meds would be changed by an ER doctor. They would impatient her for evaluation.
It’s happened to me they gave me a script for Zoloft when I was severely depressed they didn’t have a bed so they didn’t have a choice I’m not gonna get into what Zoloft did it helped for a bit till a allergic reaction happened don’t wanna say what happened but it wasn’t good
I stand corrected, though it’s still unlikely
Don’t give up. It may not seem like it where you are now, but things can get better. If there are meds you haven’t tried there is hope.
If your pdoc appointment is far off, maybe get in touch with your GP. Some GP’s know quite a bit about psych meds, maybe they can help you work out a plan to try something new.
i hope he raises my latuda to 120mg. I took perphenazine for a long depressed all the time. I just wish they’d leave me alone.
Yeah that was the dose i used to take and if I had to do a med switch that’s exactly what I’d recommend to my doctor the problem was my doctor wanted me on a depot injection