Wow ! A meme ! I’m honoured !
Glad to have you lol
Thanks for posting, that is just down my alley. I think the phenomenological approach to SZ is the best way to understand MI. Psychiatric and neurological ways of interpreting SZ is fine, but not enough:
“Delusional experience can have an enduring value and meaning that is not fully captured by a strictly medical perspective.”
What do you think will be the effect of the development of telepathic devices on schizophrenia?
Well, thats not down my alley so i cant answer you
Thanks for posting, it’s an interesting paper. It’s very thought-provoking, so I’ll opine on the subject of what is “a shared reality.” Groups of people can’t agree on the most basic things. Is the Earth flat, God, vaccines, etc., etc?
I also had very unusual beliefs when I was young but a lot of people in my religion shared those beliefs. It makes me think that the delusional experience is a religion of one. I kept the beliefs of my youth for a while because they satisfied some needs in me.
After a time they stopped working for me. Maybe delusional beliefs endure (even after acute psychosis) because they satisfy a need? I’ve been stable on my meds for a couple of years now but I still think unusual thoughts.
I’ve had an unusual life and I use to interpret strange events through a distorted prism. Now if something unusual happens I’m comfortable living with not understanding.
So I guess my “religion” today is one of an agnostic. I’ll never understand everything and that’s ok. Reality is like religion there are a million different perspectives. The most delusional, I feel, are those who think there’s is the only true one.
I’ve been doing a lot of therapy and one of the things that came up is that I seem to enjoy the pain of my paranoia in an oddly masochistic way. I seem to unconsciously love and enjoy every minute of the paranoid emotional pain.
This makes sense, I had learning difficulties in school and was humiliated by teachers and bullied by other pupils in primary school. Really really painful. Then found this clip about Emotional Masochism on YouTube. 6 minute clip.