U know what sucks

Being schizophrenic…it sux. We all have shitty lives in our manifest ways… like my life may be shitty in a different way than another schizophrenic, but our lives all suck, cuz we’re sz. Oh freaking well!! Jk I forgot I’m schizoaffective bipolar type so sometimes my life is good. But overall shitty. Laugh my ass off


I hate mental illnesses! I’m still trying to recover more and reduce relapses.

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Don’t be rude to mentally ill

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Everybody’s life is shitty,

Schizophrenic or not.


I’m with @GoldenRex. I know many of my neurotypical friends who are jealous of my life, because I don’t have to hide when I’m struggling. People expect it, since I’m sz. Loads of people feel like admitting they’re not doing well is a sin of weakness, so instead they suffer alone and never reach out for help. Everyone here knows how to ask for help when they need it, at least.


I’m with you. I get called stuff like strong and amazing because my friends don’t know how you can handle being a parent and other things with severe mental illness. What they don’t know is that they are the ones who have it rough. I can call my care manager or therapist or if I need it go to a hospital and have a team of people help me get back to my normal.

But, I think I’d like to be actual normal because my negative symptoms make life really stressful.


Well my life seems good right now. We all have our highs and our lows. mentally Ill or not. They’re just a little more extreme when you’re mentally ill.

Like today I was at a wine tasting and the girl was like “sorry i gave your friend more wine than you…it doesn’t mean I like him more than you”. And I immediately thought “damn she likes my friend way more than me”. Because he’s a wine connoisseur and was talking with tons of expertise and stuff… but then she ended up not charging me the $12 I owed so oh well. Life turns out even in the end.


You know what really sux.
Having both bipolar and schizophrenia.

I’m ■■■■■■■ tired.


Me too man. I have hope too. I’m like 50% grateful and 50% resentful. But u know what @Wave. I think you’re the freaking man!!! Like even when I don’t realize I’m mentally ill and I try to feel normal, it still manifests in a way that bothers me you know what I mean??? I know I don’t mean much but if it’s up to me you’re a freaking Allstar @Wave!!! You deserve the best!!! Idk my friends sleeping on the couch I had a good day. Thanks for listening bye.


At least we got each other huh.

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Thanks @Jonnybegood!
Your the best!

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Not the best. Just good. Thanks though.

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I’m sure you have your moments in life when life is not bad. I’m sure you have your moments. You want to know how I know this? Because you post it.

When I’m feeling good, I can remember all the times I did (relatively) cool stuff. I can remember the victories, I can remember feeling good about myself. But on my bad days, my whole life sucks; or so it seems. But all my experiences are what they are. They haven’t changed. They really happened; it’s just my perspective on how I’m seeing them at the time that changes.

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It’s awful. I remember not having it, those memories are almost unwelcome at this point. So quiet calm and peaceful, it was a real slice of heaven.

Sometimes I tell myself not to post so much here because I can be such a downer. The only major thing sharing and reading has gotten me is proof that I’m not being punished for something I’ve done. Past that it’s mostly just helpful to not feel completely isolated.

I did forget I had Schizophrenia for two hours a few weeks ago. First and only time that has happened since getting it. I think I was carried away with Skyrim and eating junk food.

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I like your posts, you were never a downer for me, don’t be so hard on yourself

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I find the only way to get through it is to make light of things. If you took everything seriously and worried about this symptom or that it would really get you down.

Luckily meds go some way to helping. You think only a few decades ago you would have been written off completely.

Schizophrenia is a hell load of crap
I’m also up and down life even feels good sometimes
But I’m a lot better than I have been
I know there are people worse off now


The kids life on the bus today. Crying. Like help. I’m stuck in this wheelchair. Can’t talk. Can’t move or hear or see. Crying like I would, if I knew all this but nobody could help me. Poor kid. That sux. My heart just went out to him . Sorry @Wave I meant to post this in a reply to this subject, it accidently sent to you

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Life is just fine. All illnesses are part of this play. I accept me and my illness

Psychosis is hell. Its like I’m barely part of the world n fear losing touch with the whole world. Its just pure hell. N then there’s negative symptom sheit wats the point if u can’t enjoy if u struggle with everything if u can’t do wat u like. Abilify was helllllllll for me. I just felt nearly cut off from everything. That stuff is some powerful little tablet. I’m not sure maybe it was something else etc but it was emotional mental physical torture