Do you find schizophrenia to be a "hard life"

Personally I find schizophrenia to be a bloody hard life. If I was to be compensated for this life I lead, I feel the government would have to pay me €50,000 per year for putting up with this awful sh!T


This is a trick question isn’t it?

what do you mean?

I think “Life” in general is a “Hard life”.
If only the road to happiness were the Autobahn…but I keep getting detoured offroute by life.

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it was but then i found a good med and it has been better,

use to be extremely hard, i had lots of symptoms but not anymore.



Yes, schizophrenia is a hard life. I encourage all neurotypicals to go get some bad LSD, make sure it is really old and poorly made to produce a bad trip (or whatever makes LSD produce a bad trip) take two doses every morning and then function, say go to school or work or whatever, then tell me that my life is not hard.

Shut. Down. Shut. Up.

Normal people: “My life is hard.”
Mentally ill people: “My life is certified hard. I have the papers.”

I like to show people my status thing that the psychiatrist gave me. PARANOID SCHIZOPHRENIC 295.32, TREMORS NEC

Or I could show them my clinical assessment and MMPI-2 results. I got 93/100 for paranoid schizophrenia. I made an A in schizophrenia! And apparently I have lots of other things wrong with me too, but the pscz thing is the most metal.

I didnt choose this, I just have accepted it. I’m not dead!

All silliness aside, yes, duh, this is a hard life. I wouldn’t exactly be satisfied if it was easy. My life was easy as a teenager, I was robust, headed towards the military, and it was too easy, I wanted more and more pain. Well I got the mother load of pain.

Life is hard, it used to be worse before medication. Like hopeless and complete misery. It was just hell.

What kind of question is this?!


There are things about sz that I find hard, but there is usually some kind of hardship in any life. If a person gets through life without being wrecked by something, that person is very lucky indeed.


Absolutely right.My life sucks im not suicidal but im basically just waiting to die.I cant wait to see a specialist and get on meds.


You are likely to improve if you do get professional help. Big up yourself, keep it real.


Yeh ive heard from so many people that meds help and I really am looking forward to them.Ive kinda had a naturalist view befor my sz got to this stage.

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I would say my hardest times with my illness are over? The first six years after stabilizing were really, really hard but that was because I was on the wrong meds, now that that is taken care of, I see life as fairly o k. Life is hard. Schizophrenia makes it harder than for some I guess.

yes serious mental illness is no pic nic see the scream

Yeah life is tough for most everybody, but sz can certainly complicate things and make it tough to get through the day.

It has left me totally numb and thoughtless, that’s as good as my life gets.


I live my life as best I can inside a black zippered bag.

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Yes. And the life is day to day existence that I never can get in order. Then there’s the people thing -


Yes. And the depression accompanying it makes it much worse.


Yes, but I find living a life as a gender fluid asexual atheist to be more difficult than any mental illness.

Also, I would consider depression to be more difficult than hallucinations, delusions, etc. At least with those I can still be interested in things, and have conversations with people even if they are bizarre. With depression, I can’t even get out of bed to eat when I haven’t eaten in days.

I would rather have my arms and legs chopped off than to be with this illness


Schizophrenia is crippling. I hate my life!!!


I find it easy.

No responsibilities other than eating, showering, cleaning my room, relieving myself, taking my meds, and sleeping. These are all very easy things to do, even by my schizo standards.

Plenty of time to read, study, learn, and go on hikes.

I guess I would find it hard if I needed friends, but I don’t like most of the people I’ve had as friends and have thus defriended them. Good friends are great to have, so in the future I will be patient and not just be friends with the first people who come along. The thing I’ve learned is losers are always looking for new friends, but good people have it figured out and will not lower their standards to be friends with someone new. Once I realized this, everything fit together. And now I don’t look at the friend problem the same way as I used to. It makes more sense to look at it like this: having friends isn’t a right, it is a privilege. Also, might I add that applying this mindset to other things will get you farther. You will work harder for things if you know you don’t already have them. Sanity being one example.