Two schizophrenics walk into a bar, order two drinks, drank them and left. Everybody at the bar says, those two schizophrenics ordered two drinks, drank them and left.
Hmmm I don’t get it
Neither did I @Loke
I’m not sure I get it. Is it about the stigma of being schizoprenic? Everyone talked about them…
Well, a joke loses it’s humor if you have to explain it.
I guess the point is that a couple schizophrenics did something perfectly normal and everybody just matter-of-factly acknowledged it. Get it?
Ahh, yes I get it now… Lol. Lol.
Schizophrenics ordering drinks? bad your not suppose to drink on meds
it said they had two drinks, it coulda be soda or whatever
Sorry I did not understand your joke.
lol i didn’t understand it either =D
Maybe people were saying, “Too bad they couldn’t drink alcohol!”
Two unteated schizophrenics walk into a brothel, the madame says to them ‘Sorry guys, but you’re both too hypersexual even for us’.
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