Finish the joke mateys
@77nick77 do your thing brother
Two schizophrenics walk into a bar.
One says to the other “so which one us is the hallucination?”
I’ll cheat.
Two schizophrenics walked into a bar, ordered two drinks, drank them and left.
And everybody in the bar said, "Those two schizophrenics ordered two drinks, drank them and left.
Two schizophrenics walk into a bar and each order a beer. They sit down to drink and the bartender thinks, “Hell, they’re schizophrenics, they don’t know anything.” So when they get up to pay, the bartender says, “OK, that will be $45.00 each.” So they pay and start to walk out but the bartenders curiosity gets the better of him and he says, “Wow, we don’t get a lot of schizophrenics coming in here.”
And one of them answers, “Well, for $45.00 a beer I don’t doubt it.”
Two schizophrenics walk into a bar. One of them says “Ouch” .
His friend thinks to himself in his head, “Wow, what a wimp”.
The first guy answers back out loud., “Hey I resent that. You owe me an apology”.
The second guy says, “Screw you. You think you’re god almighty or something special”? You think you’re here to save mankind or something?"
The first guy answers back, “Yes! Yes! That’s what I love about you. You understand me like no one else ever does.”
So they both were so happy at this communication that they walked to the store together and for the first time in two weeks, they happily ignored the 13 black vans with the license plates “77777” that followed them wherever they went and filmed their every move.
Only two of the above (of mine) are original.
2 schizophrenics walk into a bar. One says, “are you the spirit of my dead cat?” The other one replies, “who the f** are you?*”
Two schizophrenics walk into a bar. Three walk out. I guess mental illness really is contagious.
Hahaha that gave me a laugh
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