Two Books That Should Be Required Reading

i may be wrong, but i think there are 2 main controversial variables involved. The severity of the underlying condition/circumstances, & the amount of genuine understanding, help & support someone receives. There may also be personal responsibility factors involved.

i went through a journey of severe dual diagnosis - & have emerged into long term sobriety & relative stability from it all. Not to say i’m without problems, there remains a whole catalogue of difficulties. i also maintain a low dose of medication, & i feel it does work on helping maintain a degree of wellness.

Same for me.

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To summarise with some random quotes/wit -

  1. Psychiatry sucks
  2. Psychiatrists sucks
  3. The whole field is a joke and a fraud.
  4. No specific, individual, objective test proves mental illness is for real.
  5. 27,198 anecdotal tidbits confirming the above

Mental illness – it don’t exist, babe. Call the press. Call your MP. Call the prime minister. Mental illness ain’t. It is all B.S. created by filthy perverts looking to get rich quick. What do you say, bro? Good news ain’t it? Holy mackerel. We done it! It is those Damn drugs that are killing those suckers with fake symptoms.
Have a drink. Destroy some more neurons. Hallelujah! Glory!

Plop plop fizz fizz. Classic hilarity.

‘“All pharmaceutical drugs work by disrupting normal brain function.” It
is not possible to disrupt brain function. The brain never malfunctions.
It cannot. All anti-psychs agree on that.’

Don’t forget that the mind also doesn’t exist or can’t be sick - Szasz worked out the Age old problem of Dualism with that one, Genius that he was.


You are welcome to your opinion - but I think you’d do well to look at the facts. Here are the results from a recent poll in this discussion group:


And with that - I think this topic is closed.