Idk. I feel like it’s not safe to be on Twitter because a lot of “sociopathic” people use it. Just generally bad vibes. Nice at first and then difficult later. Unless you have or are in some way able to provide to their interests casually.
I feel like the Aspergers in me. It will get taken advantage of by being on Twitter. But at the same time. I feel like it offers a safe place for me to feel connected to people and a form of expression and creativity.
Truth is. I just feel alone without it. But I’ve read research about how the reality is that it makes you less a academically able statistically and I would say I agree strongly.
I’m not sure what to do really. It’s currently locked up due to over load. But the number of times I’ve had sociopaths interact with me just seems endless and truth be told, I’m just submissive with people now and not at all, a dominant person.
It’s actually very bad for me and my social skills.
It gives me the illusion that I am cool because I have a lot of followers and few following and idk, just generally makes me feel good to have attractive people connected to me.
But it seems like they’re all sociopaths!!!
I haven’t got an issue with sociopathy but I do have an issue with sociopathy going wrong , which in my case - drama. I’m not interested, at all.
But I guess the answer is staring me right in the face. I should use this forum or focus on studies and work more and forget about twitter by hopefully deleting it. But it’s so hard to delete an account I’ve had open since 2011.
Idk. I just feel silly and addicted and weak to it.
What shall I do. Is life going to be pleasant if I can get away from it?
My goal? I want a first class degree. (The highest classification in the uk)
We schizophrenia patients. We don’t have representation , I want to do something about this.
And I would say. Going about it through twitter is not going to work. Like at all. It’s detrimental and even poses more danger in terms of psychosis risks.
It’s so hard to let go, the full 30 days. I don’t know how else to even begin to make friends, which I what I need to