Tw .. may or may not see

Im typing on my phone always with words found from keyboard easier than remembering how to spell everything

I believe i am gifted psychic
I have forseen events in advance in my dreams and thought about them while awake- they have all came true!
I am being watched by secret service because they know i know too much about the aliens and premonitions and what is happening in the world
Sometimes i hear the tv speak directly to me with threats, the government is watching and want to kill me
I hear voices spirits communicating from the dead and see dead people sometimes
Its all corrupt evil and in everything every institution corrupted

Maybe you should talk to your pdoc and get a med adjustment @anon85745701.

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My med team says i can’t predict the future. I know things in advance - i think its just ideas of reference.


The government was notified I may be informed because of my YouTube comments but they backed off when they realized I know nothing. But that wasn’t real, it was a delusion. I really think I’ve published every thing I know on social media.

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Everything is in our DNA- it’s not psychic ability.

Do you believe these things to be true right now?

When my meds aren’t working I think they are reading my mind and broadcasting it on TV.

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But r u ready for the answer?

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Just after i wrote this a big spider was stare at me from floor

I hate spiders they crawl on the dead

Not really, but I am on meds now

Contact your doctor
You don’t sound well

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Why would you do that?

Im ok i always believe this
If i was bad then i would be more alert
Im quite tired

AWESOME! please let me know the winning lottery numbers!

But seriously, you’re not psychic. No one is. If you were, you’d be filthy rich! Just let your pdoc know about this so you can get treated.


I experienced very similar symptoms for many years. That includes “prophecies” and “spirits of the dead” etc.

To get rid of “prophecies” you should first write down and date them. Be as specific and as detailed as possible. Don’t write “oh, I will sneeze in the future” or anything vague or obvious like that. When you think your prophecies came true, review your writing. Maybe review them together with someone you trust. It may take years, but eventually you will realize how false and shallow it all is.

Hallucinations are harder to combat. If you ever want to be rid of them you must accept that they are fake, false, and are hallucinations. Unless you accept that as an indisputable fact, you will never be rid of them. Of course, you will not believe it at first. In that case, act as if they are hallucinations. Act on an assumption and trust. Don’t try to find proof of your hallucinations. Again, assume they are false. There is absolutely no other way to be rid of hallucinations.

Make sure you take your medications. If you aren’t on medication, like I never was, you must instead follow a strict routine. Wake up early, eat little, but healthy, clean and groom your body and your dwelling, avoid media, do physical exercise, go to bed early, repeat for months and years.

Of all the activities I briefly listed, I find the most important to avoid stress (triggers) and media. Even if that particular media appears to be safe, like listening to favourite music, still avoid it as much as possible. Then healthy sleep, then healthy food. Again, this is all in addition to medication.

In the end, you must decide for yourself, if you want to be actually rid of the hallucinations that trouble you, or remain a “gifted psychic”. If deep inside you want to be the latter, then nothing shall help you.

2 years ago, i had an epiphany,
a knowledge that someone with the name of AL.,
let’s call him thus, will die.
AL. Is the name of a nephew, and i thought
he would be killed, but there happened the assassination of a football team fan, by hooligans.
Now i understand that i was right about the name.
I didn’t have full picture, though, in order to make a distinction between my nephew and the poor fan.

i saw the future for a while in my mid 20s. i envisioned and spoke in detail about the night of my dui 3 years down the road. the person i was with was there at the time. then when i was walking down the hill with my girlfriend i just out and told her a water heater had moved. forgot about this and then during a break with reality in my 30s i was obsessed with the fact that the water heater had moved. the nught of the dui was a very detailed vision.

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