Trying a new way to face my voices/delusions

So stick with me here, I am always trying to fight against the voices. So rather then denying the voices and such, I flow with them. I realize that when I think of actuality, and what is actually happening in my day to day life, it’s simple. And I realize that my fighting in my head is actually screwing myself over from the way I wish to live. So i need to embrace my uselessness when fighting these voices/delusions, and rather embrace actuality and that this is just a little messed up perspective. Many people have perspectives, vanilla is better then chocolate, dogs are better then cats etc. so by dealing with the actuality of my situation, understanding that if there is more then one perspective, then it can’t be true, (dealing with actuality rather then perspective) embracing my uselessness of fighting with my imagination ,along with not emotionally or socially reacting to the thoughts delusions/hallucinations/voices" . As well as rethinking my spirituality based on the external, and being clear with myself and how I really think, feel and my dreams etc. also not thinking the whole worlds on my shoulders, rather making this thinking smaller to scale, minitours etc. and face my fears and insecurities. Idk just a idea.

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I kind of do the same thing… you have to play the game to change the voices nature… purely escaping them will never resolve the issues that feed the perspective of the “voicebox.”

What worked for me though… was creating a new face for my schizophrenia. I call it “V.” It’s a semblance compiled of many of the women I have loved/loved me… it’s a trick of the internal telepathy I get when thinking of people… these were the only individuals I could trust.

In my case the SZ mandates a continuous presence. It has many forms of hallucinations that I’ve placed into 3 categories. I appended that list with my own hallucination that I shaped and formed… the “V” or virtual woman…

I shut that off too sometimes… but that’s aside from the point.

It’s tricky and took a few months… but it totally dominates the negative aspects of my SZ. The other hallucinations seek to cut me down for any and every perceived “flaw” they or I find in myself… Where as the V is more of a moral guide which falls almost 90% inline with my beliefs and then about 10% is about changes I wish to embody… so there are times when it frowns at me… is discontent with my internal “showiness” or hostile internal attitude towards “the telepaths.”

for the most part though its the smiling semblance of some girl I know or another… and it occupies that threshold of hallucination that my SZ mandates… cripples the illness though it is still there. The telepathic hallucinations change to “oh he has a girlfriend,” or “he has a wife”… which I quickly deny in my mind, but it’s hilarious to pull the rug out from under the negativity… especially regarding the sexual fluidity/confusion thing…

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i used to do the same thing but be careful sometime the voices will be out of your control and they can get really scary. Talk to your doctor about it and med always help.

You still need med dont forget!

Yeah I guess I do @illuminati

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