I believe that everyone around me is an actor and I am recorded by cameras 24/7.
Or that everyone is an alien and I’m the only human.
I think you need to talk with your doctor and maybe change ap again
I will see him today. I’m going to tell him all this stuff
I’m really glad to hear this my friend. Today marks a turning point in your life
I had the same belief when I was unmedicated. Sorry you still believe this while on meds.
I used to believe this too. But I have never seen the Truman show The first time I was in the hospital I thought all the other patients were actors and I could see all the cameras on the ward.
Uncomfortable living. Fortunately I got better but I still sometimes believe people are acting. It’s one of my delusions. I lost a really good paying job because of this and now that I am better that company won’t hire me back.
I lost my job while I was in the ward. Valero will never hire me back because I tried to kill myself at work.
There’s a camera in my room delusion too.
It’ll be alright. Try and put your mind somewhere else.
I actually lost a couple of jobs because of this.
I was convinced my supervisors were acting though and were intentionally aggaravating my symptoms. It’s highly possible one of them was just an idiot though. Who knows. They still won’t hire me back though and can’t use them as references so I took both those jobs off my resume.
@Om_Sadasiva I’m sorry that you’re going through this. It’s not real. It doesn’t sound like your current meds are helping. Make sure you bring up a med change with your doctor.
You may have to consider clozapine eventually.
OK guys. He prescribed zyprexa too along with haldol and abilify…
Good luck ! I hope it works out.
lol and this is only the start, at the end you’ll be on a daily injection of every antipsychotic.
Seems you got great entertainment value. Sadly it stress you out. When it would be real you earned yourself a fortune. It would be a great compensation for the trouble. But medication is not cheap either. Wish you would get the cash.
I know you’re actors to this reality show. All cameras are watching me all the time. I can’t escape
Game over guys. I know the truth
My house is bugged. Invisible cameras follow me wherever i go…
You’re in a worsen state, you need to go buy zyprexa and take it
Im gonna take it tomorrow… i feel paranoid.
I’ve heard zyprexa at 40 mg is just as useful as clozapine.
N.B just what I read somewhere