I’ve been getting this a lot lately and I don’t like it.
Something I’m worried about is I don’t want my subconscious to get the idea that somehow things will be better if I’m dead ( in some afterlife ) as I believe the subconscious is a pretty powerful thing !
But I catch myself daydreaming about an ideal existence. In an afterlife.
I have Schizophrenia which isn’t too bad…I mean all things considered, I’m otherwise healthy.
So I figure in a past life I was probably just a common horse thief or something along those lines which is why I’ve been cursed in this life with this affliction.
I get this suicidal ideation sometimes, I got used to it and tell myself the time I will die will come by itself, no need to do an effort like suicide for it. Also I tell myself I can’t know if there is afterlife and if I will still be schizophrenic.
I have ideation that i had another life that was bad too, but he said this life was worse and i am going back to that life so its all been mostly depressing.
Maybe they will be, maybe they won’t. What if things become a lot worse after you die? No way of really knowing. Better to hold on to what you have here for now.
My advice is to try and seek someone in your life who you can talk to about this face to face.
I went down this road a few months back when I had bad stress and anxiety from my job, and I ended up taking a load of my prescribed meds with red wine to end things.
I ended up in the emergency room, and they did loads of tests before letting me see the duty pdoc
I hope I am making clear from what I just said that you need to speak to someone you can trust to dispel these thoughts, and go past the barrier
Having an afterlife is a worse idea than not having one. If there is a God, I doubt they would be stupid enough to create one. You should focus on why you are not happy at the moment. What is holding you back? Why are you not doing things you enjoy more?
You are already doing something good to overcome it by speaking out those delusions. Do you have a therapist? If not maybe writing it down and try to distract yourself when you are day dreaming. When I have intrusive thoughts or drift away I usually try to snap out of it and talk to someone or sometimes question the very thought. Its impossible not to think about it, but it is possible to lessen the feeling of distress.
A few years ago, my therapist told me that death solves the problems due to schizophrenia. At that time I agreeded with her. Today I think she was not very professional telling me that when I was depressed. We rather should try to find a confort zone with our disability.
I’ve looked at quite a few near death experiences on the internet, and there is no guarantee it won’t be horrible when you die. That happens sometimes. It’s more likely that things will be ideal, but it also can be horrible.
I think about the next life because this one sucks. Well it doesn’t suck it’s just boring. But then I think about my son soon to be born and I keep going.