Anyone have a fear of being forgot after your dead maby trigger warning just in case

I want to be talked about hundreds of years after I’m done on Earth. Always as a little kid I felt like I was destined for greatness even tho I’m not smart or have any skills.maby I’ma delusional .my dad died a drunk I want my backstory to epic not just be remembered as being a schizoprenic on SSI who was almost killed as a child by abuse. I guess we could add that to my biography make it kinda sad but I guess everything must go into it even the bad.all I’m saying I can’t just can’t settle being average maby I’ll become a famouse therapist of some therapy I create.


Why do you want to be talked about after you leave? If Abrahamic religions are right, this planet is only a temporary stop before eternity. No need to be so attached to earthly affairs post mortem.


Maby I can help one person who still on earth and I change there life compleatly. Would feel even better if I was alive to witness it would make me feel like I have a purpose


That’s sweet. Good luck.

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I’m more concerned about being forgotten in this life. I have abandonment issues. No worries about after I die. That will take care itself. You will only make your friends sorry when you leave. Wouldn’t that be enough?

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I used to have those worries, but it doesn’t stress me out any more.

I’m more worried about what happens when I die. What if I get into an accident and I don’t have my ID with me? How will my parents get notice?

What if I die at home and nobody comes to visit me for days? How long will it take for someone to figure out they have to kick in the door? Will I smell?

What if I get some horrible disease and it’s slow and painful?

I believe in reincarnation, what if I’m actually a horrible person and I get reborn into a terrible life?

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I have no friends lol and I don’t like them

I know I’m a horrible person but it might be because of abuse . I don’t believe in reincarnation but I do believe in Jesus . If we have been reincarnation my past life probably did something horrible for me to have schizophrenia.i can’t see it getting worse unless I get a disease that kills me slowly.

I don’t necessarily see having a bad life as a sign that you were a bad person in a previous life. I see it more as a sign that there’s something you’re supposed to learn from it.

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Enjoy your immortality.


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