TORMENT bc my life sucks

Yea I’m done
I’m getting my tuves tied
I really think I got cursed. I read something here the resignated with me. And felt that it was God cursing me. I found out that I may have been microchipped I hear beeping
So had a false stimulated even as this guy got next to me
A pull and flash of light like heaven and I felt everything even yhe sun gping down n the ocean pulling it was intense like I was feeling gravity
I got a bad feeling like it was over
Then, realised it was. a simulation lol an experent to feel supernatural occurrences that are induced. None of it was real. Hurt so much. Took the cake
In all my experiences to make someone feel on a physical n mental plane then say it’s fake biznitch
I hear beeping on my right hemisphere. And it was all a joke. To occupy my mind bc I guess he had a sun n wanted me to back off n realize how much I am worthless in this world
In was another ping pong ball shock. But I’m intelligent I should have known it was opposite…
So ying n yang I’m hella depressed I saw heaven how do you get over heaven
I’m trying to not piss anyone off anymore
I really really am. I just can’t help it. Something that was done should not have been done
It wasn’t supposed to so I feel like I’m screwed.idk it doesn’t make sense.

Are you on any medication ?

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