Hi, first post

Hello, this is my first day posting and finding this site.

On 01/22/20 I started having hallucinations and my life has been completely destroyed since. It felt (and still feels) like God personally started speaking to me and giving me messages. I was an angel. The world was ending. My boss was a demon and trying to kill me. I was being spied on by the CIA, DEA and local police - they were all connected and God was using me in his end of the world plan. I actually reported him to the FBI.

I was fired, institutionalized twice (once because I walked down the street wearing nothing but a white sheet thinking I was an angel), arrested and lost my career, condo, possessions and most of my savings. And I lost certainly lost my name and reputation amongst anyone Iā€™ve ever known. And not to mention

I didnā€™t accept that this could potentially be something wrong with my brain until this week. I had reached out to a crisis line on Thursday or Friday and then started reading about schizophrenia and psychosis, which I had never heard of. People were trying to label me with delusional disorder when all of this was going on but I adamantly thought it because the world was ending and they just didnā€™t understand the mission I was on.

Iā€™m 41 years old. This is all is new to me. I spoke to a therapist yesterday that has experience with schizophrenia and we had a great first into call together and I feel really comfortable talking to him so far.

I just want to know whatā€™s wrong with me and feel better. Iā€™m in so much pain 24/7. I have constant messages coming at me all the time that I canā€™t really function. My phone will pause and then a simultaneous tap on the wall will take place which is God conforming a thought in my head (Iā€™m in purgatory or hell, God hates me, Iā€™m an ugly sinner). Itā€™s nonstop. Itā€™s the cars on the road. Tinted windows. When I cough. If I see a black Dodge Charger that is like the devil following me.

Itā€™s SO AWFUL.

This new therapist I found give me a recommendation for medication which I am not resisting right now because I absolute anything to feel better I will take. Looking forward to learning more and hoping to feel better. Thanks for letting me be here.




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Enjoy your stay with us!


Welcome to the forum @MollienBax .

When you were hospitalised did they give you any meds?


Iā€™ve had similar experiences of receiving messages from god. I think medication would definitely help especially antipsychotics (against the ā€˜weird thoughtsā€™) and antidepressants (against the low mood). The best thing to do is to reach out to a psychiatrist and see them regularly. Please be aware that this is a marathon not a sprint. It took me years before I started feeling better, but you can get there!


Hopefully the medication will help


Welcome to the forums @MollienBax

Just to give you a realistic expectation. There are dozens of antipsychotic medications for schizophrenia and everyone responds differently to them. One person can take Abilify and it works great, another person can take Abilify and it doesnā€™t work at all, a third person could take Abilify and it has all kinds of nasty side effects. Be patient, it may take time to find the right medication that works well with minimal side effects.

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia 17 years ago. Iā€™ve tried a few different medications with varying results. It wasnā€™t until 2ish years ago that I found Lurasidone (Latuda) and it completely changed everything. I am stable and symptom free without side effectsā€¦but donā€™t go running to your doctor asking about Lurasidone thinking it is a miracle cure, there are plenty of people on this website that had a bad experience with it, like I said earlier everyone reacts differently to these medications so you just have to try one at a time until you find something that works (some people are on 2 or 3 antipsychotic medications). It can be frustrating and take a while because these medication usually take weeks to months before you notice any effect, and then sometimes there are withdrawal symptoms when you quit one to transition to another.

There are also some unfortunate people that donā€™t respond to any medication. they are known as ā€œtreatment resistantā€, hopefully that wonā€™t be the case for you.


No, I have not been on any medication.

The first hospital stay ( Jan 2020 ) I was released into the care of my father, no medication, and as soon as we got home from the hospital I ran and started driving around the country living in hotels and nobody could find me outside of cryptic Facebook posts about being chased and in danger.

The 2nd involuntary 72 hour hold was July 2020. They suggested anti psychotics and I was admitted under the suspicion of delusional disorder, but I was so convincing in my delusions that I got them to release me with PTSD .

Thank you for the reply :relieved:

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Thank you for such a kind reply

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Youā€™re welcome! :smiley:

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Welcome to the forum, @MollienBax !

Iā€™m glad you found a therapist you like.

And I think @Headspark wrote you a very smart, informative post (heā€™s a smart, informative guy!).

This illness can be brutal, and certainly life altering, but you will find people on this site fighting the exact same fight with you everyday. Hope you like it here.


Welcome Mollie, nice to meet you. Iā€™d say it would be a good idea to get under care of pdoc and start meds. You sound like you have had a lot going on! :hugs:


Hello earthchild. Nice to see you on here. I hadnā€™t personally seen you in a while. Glad youā€™re ok :+1:!!


Welcome @MollienBax!
And yes, medication could be helpful in your case.
I would hook up with a psychiatrist sooner than later.


Welcome! So glad to hear that youā€™re on the right path and want to get better (thatā€™s a big step). Best of luck to you!


Welcome to the forum @MollienBax ! It sounds like you need to get on APs, but Iā€™m not a dr so what do I know? If I were you, Iā€™d make an appointment with a psychiatrist

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welcome to the forum @MollienBax
like others said you should work with a pdoc to get better.
i hope you find a way that helps you.


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