I’m eating a hamburger. I have to quit and adopt to a new diet. Just like I did with vaping. It’s not gonna be easy.
You can do it !
I would like to lose some more weight, but I haven’t been able to control my binging in the evening. Good luck with it.
You can do it @roxanna!
Yeah. Junk food just makes feel icky.
Are you quitting meat or just hamburgers?
I stopped eating meat recently.
I can’t have beef and pork. It messes with my cholesterol. Even though I eat chicken sparingly I am doing a mostly fruits and veggies. Sugar is one of my no’ s. Sugar messes with weight.
I thought meat wasn’t that bad for cholesterol unless it was very fatty? Also animal fats aren’t even unhealthy. When food guidelines were established they recommended a lot of grains, bread and carbs. Then the obesity epidemic started. I think less carbs, more meat, veg and fruit is the way to go.
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