today is the first day of my sobriety. ive been abusing substances since i was 14, i am now 21. im done with weed, alcohol, amphetamines and opiates. drugs have always had their pros and cons but ive realized that the cons outweigh the pros. its time to focus on my health and face it instead of trying to numb myself.
Do you have support? Those changes usually need that.
I am so proud of you! You have taken a huge step today. The beautiful thing is all you have to do is wake up everyday and just don’t do it and you’ll be successful. Just don’t do it. Let everything else sort itself out. You can only control one thing. I’m really, really proud of you!
Its a big deal!
Congratulations on your decision to sober.
Are likely to suffer withdrawal?
i kinda have support. i am going to take substance abuse classes
thank you. its going to be a challenging ride, but i know i can do it
no psychical withdrawal. just the mental withdrawal. mostly from weed and adderall
Sounds manageable.
You can do it,
Its difficult,
And it’ll be a while before you feel better,
But you will, and it’ll be because of your work.
Quitting won’t be easy.
I think it’s a very mature desicion you’ve come to.
It’s going to be hard, but with the right attitued and the will to accept help, you’ll get through it.
I wish you all the best.
I would go to AA with you if I could. It’s a great decision to become involved in AA. Id introduce you to the meetings if you were nearby.
What usually stops us addicts is when the pain of our addiction becomes intolerable. Beware of euphoric recall.
You be fine. Just rest exercise and distract… i guess aa and na work for some… but people drove me to opiates so i used nature to fix it… trees and rocks dont piss me off…
i didnt quit. why cant i stop smoking marijuana and amphetamines
failed big time
It’s hard. You have to accept that quitting drinking and drugging will not be easy, it will be hard. But not impossible. The very nature of drugs is that they are seductive, insidious, and addictive. Those are tough hurdles. AA, CA, and NA say the disease of addiction and alcoholism is cunning, baffling and powerful.
But I have seen people who literally did drugs and drank uncontrollably for 20 or 30 years but they were able to get clean and sober. These were the guys you see in parks sleeping on park benches in their own urine and filth as mothers walk by pushing a stroller and trying to avert their eyes. Or passed out on the sidewalk in a drunken stupor.
But I have seen these guys in AA meetings with my own two eyes and heard their stories. These guys were as near to hopeless as you can get. But when I see them they are dressed nice, clean, alert, funny and they love life. Here’s a fact: Quitting drugs will not solve all your problems. But it will solve a huge one. Life for us schizophrenics is hard, we don’t need the extra handicap of doing drugs. You more than likely will need help quitting.
Help is out there but it’s not going to come knocking at your door, you have to pursue it. I smoked crack for 4 years. I did all the stupid addict behaviour, spending my paycheck and my SSDI check on drugs. And when I ran out of my own drugs I begged whoever I was with to give me their drugs until they had to threaten me to leave them alone. I sold almost all my possessions for drugs. I sold other peoples possessions for drugs too.
I went to those places to score and a few times I got hit or beaten for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Once I was in a park in broad daylight trying to score with $60.00 in my shirt pocket. A mean looking black dude (I mention his race because the city was predominantly African-American and whites were looked upon with suspicion and hostility) But I was sitting down and guy tried to grab my $ 60.00. I resisted and someone sneaked up on me from hbehind and broke a wine bottle over my head.
They took my money and as I walked away stunned a few more bottles were thrown at me. My connection told me I was lucky. If I had gone behind the little shack there to make a drug deal he told me they would have stabbed me. In four years I got ripped off a least a $1000, probably more. I had to deal with ex-cons, prostitutes, the cops, violent con artists. That was just no way to live life. But I got clean!!
And I’ve been clean since 1990 and I can say with 100% honesty that I have no craving or desire to do drugs. I do not miss them at all. I do not miss the people I did drugs with or the places I had to hang out.
The drug lifestyle is not a mentally healthy or physically healthy way to live. The drugs will drag you down. Recovery will bring you back up into a good place. Good luck.
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i appreciate your story and advice. i lack will power and am prone to addiction. i want to quit, i need to quit. the highs are great but the comedowns are awful. when im sober all i think about is being high. ive already had 40 dollars stolen from me because of hanging around with the wrong crowd. to get meth i had to rely on these people and they robbed me. im currently unstable and its thanks to my drug abuse. its a viscous cycle feel bad then get high after drug wears off i need to get high again and it continues over and over for long periods of time then ill realize i just lost 3 months of my life and didnt even realize it. plus im a broke schizoaffective kid. cant work right now and got denied disability. i was slightly manic and had the motivation to work and worked for 2 weeks made 600 dollars and within 2 weeks i have no money because of drugs. life is rough
like im sitting here high as ■■■■ off of amphetamines. i can actually do things like clean and get out of bed. as soon as this wears off ill be in hell. then ill drink to go to sleep and wake up the next day not on this earth. im not in control.
how have you managed to survive? i have no point of going any further besides drugs. what am i besides a high? ive lived way too many lives. the cost of awakening is too much. but if i end myself i wont enter. human experience is hell. literally. the devil even told me so. were all just living in hell trying to get out. i want to enter heaven but i cant endure this much longer. the false prophet is among us. i cant wait