Times you feel good

I always feel the best the first 2 hours after i wake up and from 7pm on. In between i am just an anxious mess. Ive been taking buspar three times a day lately to fight the afternoon anxiety. Im not supposed to but i have extra. Im going to ask my doctor if he can prescribe it for three times daily but im pretty sure you arent supposed to go over 60mg a day.


My friend takes 60 mg per day. It helps her.

My dr put me on 10 mg per day but it didn’t help me at all. She didn’t increase the dose and I don’t know why. So I just told her I wouldn’t take it anymore

Yeah 60mg a day is kinda helpful. 30mg lasts about 2 hours for me


Im gonna go on 50mg of vistaril next dr visit. Slowly working my way up higher doses of that. My anxiety is awful.


Anxiety is such a fun spoiler. I hope you get the meds you need.

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Most of the times that I’m not at work, actually.

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I dont know how you work. I get so stressed out. Even being a janitor. I wouldnt do everything that was required. So i got fired.

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It really is. My stomach feel nauseous right now and my chest is tight. Its like 2 hours after i wake up it just sets in. My meds should kick in around 10:30am

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I started with the smallest of goals like have a shower every three days or to get dirty dishes into the sink instead of leaving them all over. Every time I was hitting a small goal I’d make another one. Eventually my goals and my capabilities grew. Having a recovery journal and setting and tracking goals was and is fundamental to my ongoing recovery.

The person you see today is the result of over 25 years of daily effort.


Wow. Im on year 2. Right now anxiety is my main issue. And lack of interest in things. I try to force myself to do one thing a day. Like paint or play video games. I try to do the dishes every day and shower at least 3x a week. Laundry is hard. I rely on my mom to do it.

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