Time Travel Paradox

If a schizophrenic with a time travelling delusion travels back in time and then time continues as usual, in respect to the future is s/he going back towards?

That is the paradox: is the schizophrenic going back towards?

And an additional question: is going back towards in your future?

If I go back 30 years it was the future of 20 years prior to it.

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you are 50?

years old?

54 I would have been 4

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yeah there is no future before 4

mind is not conscious and making memories it seems

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Today is the future I was thinking about 20 years ago. I try to enjoy the present. Because my present is the future of the past that I was wanting to enjoy.

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Yeah my present is the future of my past too. But my past was my future present too, and my future is the past to those who will be present when I’m not anymore.

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One thing that stays constant is the need of food and income and housing?

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yeah housing you can get in the past, food in the present always and income has to come in future

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In my headcanon the past doesn’t exist anymore. only now exists

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Moved to Unusual Beliefs as this will be triggering for some.


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