Time to go car shopping!

Finally received my insurance settlement and now I’m going car shopping tonight hopefully I get approved my credit is good so I hope I can. Wish me luck!


Good luck to you. :baby_chick::baby_chick::baby_chick:

Be sure an consult the buying guides for automobiles. You don’t want to get ripped off. Good luck.

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Hey, happy shopping. Hope you find what you want

Don’t buy a brand new car. Buy a used car. Typically a new car depreciates in value by a couple thousand dollars as soon as you drive it off the lot - and continues to depreciate by about 12% for roughly the first five years.

Just take your time car shopping, really put some thought and effort into it. This is probably one of the biggest purchases you’ll make and it’s an investment that you will live with for the next several years. Don’t buy the first pretty car you see, compare cars and do some research before you make a final decision, see which cars are most dependable and hold their value. If you’re buying from a private party and you see a car that looks promising then take it into a mechanic before you buy it and have him thoroughly inspect it to see how mechanically sound it is and to spot any hidden damage.


I watch a Scotty kilmer review once in a while.

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He looks like Dennis Hopper.

Good luck @Hanna_Foxx!

I ended up with a 2015 Toyota Corolla couldn’t be happier. It has 49k miles on it.


That’s a great car congrats !!


Toyota and Honda are the best budget cars imo
I prefer Mercedes over BMW and Audi.
My uncle had a Corolla that had over 500 000 km.
My Honda Civic has a bit over 200 000 km, I bought it back in 2011 model 2008, had 39 000 km on it.

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Best of luck!!!

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My car looks the same as in the pic, same color too. Maybe the lights design is a tiny bit different.

Congrats on your new car @Hanna_Foxx!

Good car and manufacturer. Hope you have a good time with your new ride!

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Toyota is a good choice of car. Low miles as well :slight_smile: That shouldn’t give you too much hassle


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Yeah, good choice. Good, dependable car and it looks great too!

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Cars are very expensive right now new or used due to supply chain issues.

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