Time limited

Because we are all going to recover- hallelujah and praise the lord- and all the miserable sinners that won’t can FOAD. Thus it was written in the holy book of mental health care.

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Recover away!

don’t think i’m gonna ■■■■ off and die, even though i’m an atheist. have fun with that, illl get my recovery just as well.

sigh. mean people suck. fact of life. gives Christianity a bad name. I’m sorry for all those who are brought down by the stumbling blocks.

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by the way, fire monkey, is that really how you want to talk to people in recovery just because they don’t believe your religion. not everyone worships a dead jew on a stick.

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more sighs. that was about as offensive as it gets @21stCenturySM I know now not to be around you.

I’m sorrry @jukebox i really didn’t mean to offend you. i was just upset with the FOAD part. really wish we could be friends, as i am new here. I was out of line but i hope you can understand my point of view. sorry i offended you.

Time is limited so don’t waste your time waiting to recover. Just live it up now the best you can

Uh…I’m an atheist and one of the most highly functioning people on here…you would never guess I have schizophrenia if you saw me in real life…and atheists are actually rational people, we chose to be good when we have no fear of going to hell for being bad. Sure, we might do things like premarital sex and drink but we also are truly being kind when we do good deeds, we aren’t obligated to do anything for anyone.

I think blaming this illness on sins got washed out with bad parenting styles and other pseudoscience way before you were born. Instead some people, mostly atheists, scientists, discovered how the illness can be treated and what causes it.


It was a post taking a swipe at mental health care using a mock religious tone. I’m more of a secular humanist than anything else.
I have nothing against people in recovery, good luck to them. I have everything against a system that pushes a " recovery is possible for all" agenda when it is patently obvious that isn’t the case.
Some are too ill to “recover”. Some like me might have made some form of recovery if given better help early on in our illness, but now too much water has passed under the bridge. I think if you are getting good help early on and are not one of the really bad cases then some form of “recovery” is a possibility.
However if you are not a suitable case for recovery for various reasons what does the system do for you?
For me it’s fortnightly depots and 6 monthly appointments punctuated by long periods of social isolation. The means I had of alleviating that to some degree, via a befriending service and a drop in, were taken away because the council and the mental health trust that provided funding for the charity ordered the charity to make economies or no further funding.
Now it’s all ‘time limited’ which is fine if your problems are short term/you’re getting help for them, but bloody useless if they are chronic and help for them has been in very short supply.
There needs to be support there for those of us who for whatever reason can not board the recovery train and for many of whom life is day after day of isolation.


then i apologize for my overreaction. sorry bout that. speak on.