Ticks are crazy again this year

Idk about you guys but I’m from the tick capitol of the world and i pulled 30 ticks off myself last year and didn’t get limes somehow. Well this year is even worse. Already 10+ and I’m just a host for the bloodsuckers. I haven’t found any of the tiny deer ticks. Just the bigger dog ones but I’m still worried. Is there some spray for hiking. I wear long pants!


I just got tested for lyme disease the other week. They’re terrifying

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Last year I went to the doctors. He gave me 21 days of doxycycline. He told me to take the whole cycle because he “figured” I had lymes. That med was awful I could only tolerate it a tiny bit. Turns out I didn’t have it tho. I still have the med. if I think I get lymes I can call him up and ask if I can take it (3 days worth early prevents it, while 21 days worth treats it) if that makes sense. Would suck to have to take it for 21 days

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Watch out for the ticks with a white dot on its back! They are the lonestar ticks and can make you allergic to meat.

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My psychiatrist thought i had it hahaha had all the symptoms and I kept complaining. I got bit last year by one. They freak me out so bad. I don’t remember them being a problem when i was a kid. Just lately. Everyone and their dogs around here is getting ticks. Super gross. Im glad you didn’t have lyme disease

What are the symptoms.

I’ve heard ita hard to diagnose?

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Muscle and joint pains and aches, headaches, bulls eye rash, anxiety depression and in rare cases hallucinations. Mostly just all over body pain .
Its a simple blood test. Apparently they are reluctant to test for it because half the population has it unknowingly and they don’t want to pay for the treatment. The government i mean.

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Wow thats hectic !!!

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Yeah it’s super crazyyy. I watched a documentary the other day hahaha I don’t actually know that much about it

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