Thyroid problems?

Have any of you ever had problems with your thyroid before?

I had some blood work a month ago that indicated that I had hypothyroidism. Before starting treatment for it, the doctor wanted to draw blood again to check my thyroid levels. The second time I was just within normal range so I’m unsure if anything is going to be done about it now.

Of those of you that have had thyroid problems, did you experience your thyroid hormone levels fluctuating a lot according to the blood work?

I developed pretty severe Hypothyroidism while I was on Lithium.

Once my psychiatrist got me off of the lithium, my Hypothyroidism was gone.

Certain meds cause Hypothyroidism.

Seroquel XR and Zyprexa both messed with my thyroid, I had to stop taking both of these meds - it was resolved.

Some people are also prone towards developing Hypothyroidism - the treatments can be pretty effective.

I have thyroid problems. Yes, the hormones fluctuate quite a bit.

It’s one of those things that can be watched over time to see how you are doing.