What is the point to get married?

I honestly cannot think of a reason but it is something I want. If we did it would just be a registry wedding. However, whats the point? Why do I even want to?

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I wanna get married too
I just don’t want a long drawn out divorce like my parents lolol


I would get married too if I found that right person and if they wanted too. But I don’t think it is mandatory.

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I’m married and I’m not unhappy, but if I had to get married now, I wouldn’t do it.

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No point whatsoever. But some girls grow up with a dream of a brilliant wedding. I don’t know why


I don’t want ever get married. So complicated for SZ. We might get psychotic outbreak during the wedding cause so many relatives might be watching


Legally you need to be married or have legal papers in place to make medical decisions for the spouse. To be entitled to the person’s estate, etc. To be next of kin. You can do this without getting married if you put directives in place. It’s just easier with marriage.


If it’s to please society or be like your friends you are doing it for the wrong reason. If it is to help financially it’s a slightly better idea but the main reason to marry is because you actually want to be with the other person forever and you believe the bond will not make them stray.


Commitment and stability. A feeling of safety. Divorce is still possible but there’s a lot of activation energy to get that going. Keep below that level and things will be fine for a long time.

Your partner can’t just have a crazy whim and walk out on you without consequences.


I have a feeling he doesn’t want to commit for financial reasons however, I did ask for a prenuptial so i don’t know what the problem is

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i am a bit of a funny one.

i feel like marriage is an invisible cage.

my bro would not understand that lol.

he is like marriage is the best thing

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My brother is the same … he wanted to get married before reaching 30 because all his friends are married and he needs to show everyone he is married… also i know secretly he wants to get married before me lol but i told him it’s not happening for me… :confused:

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There is probably some fundamental reason you feel that way.

I feel marriage is liberating. Having a libido is like being chained to a madman, but sharing that with someone trustworthy who won’t just walk out on you controls the madness.

Like, there’s enough craziness in life without this nagging feeling your partner is just going to up and leave because some stupid sitcom gave her the idea that she should be a swinger.


I think the fact that you put tons of money on marriage makes your bond with your partner stronger. You don’t want to waste all that money after marriage.

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Compared to him I do not earn a lot… 6 times less than he does… so i do feel the financial side might be it… I dont’ care for his money and am happy to go through a prenup if he wants… i have assets I wanted to protect as well…

never say never :wink:

so he doesn’t want to get married atm ? maybe it is just too early for him.

he sounds very interesting like he really takes his time with decisions. that’s cool. some people are like that I guess.

I think if it is meant to be then it will happen though. so no worries :slight_smile:


Whether he marries me or not, and while it bothers me, I am not going to leave him. You are right though, he takes time with his decisions … “slow and steady wins the race”… I am the total opposite and want him to hurry up and marry me.


i don’t think their is anything wrong with wanting to get married. it’s a more serious commitment to one another. which i think is a good thing.


thanks for sharing. it is good to hear a guy’s perspective on it…

i personally still feel like it is an invisible cage though haha.

idk how to explain it very well though. it is more to do with pressure if that makes any sense at all idk. probably not so much …like i feel like the guy has pressure to stick to me lolol n i don’t want him to feel like that nor me, i want it to feel free @naturallycured

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You want the commitment but you don’t feel that the paper necessarily gives you that… Am I thinking right? I dunno. I used to think it was a piece of paper and to some extend I understand why marriage isn’t important to him. You don’t need a paper to prove commitment … its more the actions… i mean you can walk out even when married

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