I wasn’t married to my ex, but we were together 7 years. I left him because he was an alcoholic and physically abusive. I was with him from 16 and he was 10 years older, taking advantage of me
My parents never got divorced and they should have. My father was extremely abusive, physically, emotionally and sexually toward my sister and I, all of our childhoods, and when I informed my mother about the incest, she did nothing.
I married my husband at the age of 20, and he physically and sexually abused me for seven years of our marriage, until I graduated from college, and took our child with me, and divorced my husband.
I wasnt married but i split up with the father of my son because he was emotionally and sexually abusive to me and he started to use our newborn kid to scare me. He didnt get visitation or custody, thank God, after a 2 year fight in court.
I got divorced because my ex did some sketchy stuff and despite a lot of protestation on my part refused to change. Much better to end relationships if things are bad than stay. Also. Never marry anyone crazier than yourself. Rules to live by number 1
I sacrifice a lot for my current gf,I am not in a smooth life now.Would I actually regret?
My sister’s ex husband put a gun to her head 2 or 3 times or when she threatened to leave he would threaten to kill himself. He never worked even though he could have. She was with him for like 20 years
He just wanted a meal ticket apparently
She said she accepted me for who I was. Turn out she accepted me for what I had. Also she was a unhappy camper and nobody could change that.
Because I was manic and angry I left. I take 90% of the blame. Then my pride got in the way to go back. But we are friends now. I’m thankful for that.
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